:51 PM, yongqli >
> wrote:
> > This code doesn't work:
> >
> > (for [:let [x (range 100)]
> > y x]
> > [y])
> My understanding is that :let is a modifier that must follow a
> binding. Did you mean:
> (for [x (range 100)
This code doesn't work:
(for [:let [x (range 100)]
y x]
IllegalStateException Can't pop empty vector
clojure.lang.PersistentVector.pop (PersistentVector.java:346)
but maybe it should?
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Any reason why into isn't multi arity?
(into to & froms) => (reduce into to froms)
(into #{} [3 3 4] [2 1] ["a"]) looks better than (reduce into #{} [[3 3 4]
[2 1] ["a"]])
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