Of course John, the reason you can do the sum of 1-200 in your head is
thanks to Gauss's formula, I'm assuming you're not really recursing 200
times in your head :)
Love your blog too BTW, especially your style of presentation and the types
of things you write about (i.e. non-trivial but still
What do you mean by currying in this context? Is there a way to do this in
clojure apart from using partial?
On Saturday, August 17, 2013 10:04:23 AM UTC+10, Sean Corfield wrote:
> I went down the partial path for a long time but have moved more and
> more toward currying and closures lately
The problem is that clooj depends on leiningen 1 which used to have the
dependencies in the /lib directory of the project. Leiningen 2 use the
maven repo directory (typically ~/.m2) for dependencies and builds the
classpath directly to those jars, which you can check by running 'lein
I think the expectation most people would have (I certainly do) is that it
behave identically to java.lang.String.trim() as described
here: http://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/lang/String.html#trim(),
so no, it most certainly should not. Besides, HTML is just one format,
there are ma
Hi Daniel,
While this may not be all-inclusive, there could be two main reasons
for the error.
1. You don't really have all the jars required. This is easy to
check. A jar is just a zip file really and can be viewed (jar -tvf
). Look for the class file in there that matches the class
that is b
No you didn't misinterpret it, I thought that would have been the
cause. I ran a test and I think the de-structuring might have
something to do with it. Here's the test:
(defn count-slow [[x & xs] acc]
(if (empty? xs) (inc acc) (recur xs (inc acc
(defn count-fast [xs acc]
(if (empty? (r
I suspect this is because concat-ing is more expensive than cons-ing
for non-vectors...
On Aug 3, 11:25 am, Mark Feeney wrote:
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Note that po
To add a bit to this, the JVM does not support tail call recursion.
As I understand it, Clojure compiles into bytecode that effectively
turns the recurs into an iterative process. Scala does something
similar but automatically (i.e. you don't have to use a specific
keyword). The advantage to Cloj
On Jul 31, 12:28 pm, Ken Wesson wrote:
> "Almost" being the operative word. One distinct disadvantage is that
> it makes building your project require a working network connection
This is not correct. Once the jar has been downloaded after being
included in the dependencies, it stays in your lo
I searched google for these but came up short, I was wondering if
anyone here could help. I use emacs with clojure and really like it.
There are two things I haven't been able to do successfully so far.
1. Following the CDT instructions here (http://georgejahad.com/clojure/
swank-cdt.html), I can
ks not only in your
> own code but also in all contrib libraries.
> So what else do you need ?
> On Jun 12, 6:50 pm, yair wrote:
> > Hi,
> > With swank and slime all set-up along with CDT, further improved by
> > slime aut
With swank and slime all set-up along with CDT, further improved by
slime autocomplete, my emacs setup is getting pretty close to being a
full featured, highly clojure focused IDE. One thing I am struggling
with while working on a larger than usual project (i.e. 7 source files
some of which h
I'm using processing in a Java2D program. It doesn't have to be 3D...
On Jun 4, 5:24 pm, Daniel wrote:
> I suppose the noob tag is appropriate ie I was around sometime last
> year and earlier but RLing got in the way of doing anything useful
> with this lovely language.
> Anyway, I've got this
bably get at your data pretty easily. Create a couple
> functions to handle moving location, updating properties, etc., and
> you might find that it isn't ugliness that you are hiding :-)
> On Jun 1, 11:12 am, yair wrote:
> > Hi,
I am writing a little board game in clojure, mostly to educate myself
about how to organise and implement a larger-scale program than my
usual tiny little snippets. The program has a central data structure
of units which are placed on a map. Each unit has some information
like a name, moveme
here would have to be two versions of it, one expecting a function
> with an arity of one (for just the value) and another expecting an arity of
> two (key and value).
> On Mon, Feb 21, 2011 at 10:08 PM, yair wrote:
> > I'm hoping this is a dumb
I'm hoping this is a dumb question and I've missed something obvious.
I have a map with various key-value pairs and I want to transform some
of the values, e.g.
(def mymap {:first "john" :last "smith" :age 25}) and say I want to
change the strings to be upper case.
Right now all I can think of doi
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