Mp3-player written in Clojure using Derby, Swing, Clojure-contrib etc!

2009-05-02 Thread smarf
This is my first major Clojure program and my first major lisp-program at all. It unfortuneately has a few bugs. 1 minor where I don't handle an exception when there is no file chosen when you open a playlist. The big and annoying one however is that sometimes the player starts playing 2 songs. I

Creating executable Jars?

2009-01-28 Thread smarf
(ns progs.comex.compileexample (:gen-class)) (defn -main [] (println (str "Hello " "Sverker" "!"))) (binding [*compile-path* "C:\\clojure\\classes"] (compile 'progs.comex.compileexample)) I compiled C:/clojure/progs/comex/compileexample.clj. I can run the program with: C:\clojure\cl