The ACM published Lisp Pointers, I think from around 1988 to 1995. That was
along these lines of a semi-formally peer-reviewed journal. They are in the
ACM Digital Library. If you have access, they might serve as inspiration for
overall flow and/or specific kinds of articles.
You received t
Well, reviving scsh and writing some clojure-ish macros for a lightweight,
fast-starting scheme (e.g. gambit which can compile small utilities, has
excellent unix process, file, and networking already) would be a *lot*
easier than the effort to get any JVM language up to par for the same goal.
On Dec 3, 4:42 am, Alex Osborne wrote:
> patrickdlogan writes:
> > Java has a file watch API to avoid polling.
> I assume you're talking about the NIO 2 watch service? That's not
> yet in a released version of Java, it's coming in Java 7.
oh I see.
It is not a shared, concurrent data structure. In and of itself it can
not be used to mutate a shared collection of data.
You could use something like Java's ConcurrentLinkedQueue.
On Dec 3, 2:17 pm, Andreas Kostler
> Hi All,
> May I cite an Author of a populer Clojure book:
> "If you f
Java has a file watch API to avoid polling. Stuart Sierra uses it to
good effect in lazytest.
On Dec 2, 9:14 am, Alex Osborne wrote:
> viksit writes:
> > What would you recommend as the best method to tail a file using
> > Clojure? Are there any built in functions in contrib or core that
> > al
I should be at the hotel around 6pm. Code, coffee, drinks,
conversation all sound equally fine to me.
On Oct 18, 9:32 am, Andrew Gwozdziewycz wrote:
> Hey Conj goers,
> I'm scheduled to arrive around 6:30, and after I check in am planning
> to spend the rest of the night writing code. Anyone wa
You might consider some kind of "whole-program" optimizations along
the lines of the Stalin compiler for Scheme. Stalin compiles Scheme to
C and makes a lot of representation decisions, unboxing, as well as a
lot of call-stack-aware memory allocations/deallocations. Not all of
these would be applic
On May 23, 6:55 am, faenvie wrote:
> today i read this statement in a blog-post:
> "... remarkably (La)TeX is much better suited for composing and
> distributing most types of documents than any other modern
> word processor on the mark
> i don't expect it would be hard to write an Erlang program with 2
> actors that would deadlock.
Of course it wouldn't.
> as far as i know, people use timeouts on
> message handling to sweep it under the carpet.
Most people probably use the OTP library with well-defined "behaviors"
is what they
Nice diatribe against actors by someone who's apparently never...
actually... used... actors. Clojure is really nice, but that doesn't
mean I'm going to buy into weak arguments against features it doesn't
have in its core.
On May 16, 12:19 pm, Fabio Kaminski wrote:
> Sorry about using the list l
I have used blitz javaspaces quite a bit, but not yet with clojure. I
believe they would we be a good fit. Javaspaces are a dynamic,
flexible, by-value, distributed coordination mechanism.
On Apr 14, 5:42 pm, gary ng wrote:
> Hi,
> I just start to learn about clojure and is wondering if there
Also I have had good success with Restlet using Java as well as Groovy
in production apps. I wrote a v.small example in Clojure some time
ago... should work fine. Annotations are optional in Restlet, so no
problem there.
On Apr 12, 10:57 am, Shantanu Kumar wrote:
> > or suggest me a nice rest fr
work properly, but example6 doesn't return correct results. The
> ones that don't work is where the clj code is incomplete, so I still have
> some work to do. I'll get these fixed or documented in the next few days.
> -Mike
> On Tue, Nov 24, 2009 at 3:31 PM,
Hi Mike - thanks for this.
I am fairly new to git, but from what I can tell, I have the agraph32
branch as current. The clojure code on the agraph32 branch still seems
to be using the AG 4.0 API. For example...
There are other lisps (including schemes) but the three I have some
experience with are JScheme, SISC, and Clojure. Based on that I would
answer it this way...
* Use SISC if you want a full implementation of Scheme on the JVM.
(It's been reliable in the past but I have not used it for a couple of
> (force del) ; note that @del would be equivalent here
This is at the core of my question. I did not understand that a delay
is something that can be deref'd until I read the source.
Knowing now that a delay does behave this way, I can work with it as
such. Given the doc string for delay, I was
I expected a delay only to be forced by an explicit call to force.
instead it looks like, being a kind of IDeref, a delay will be forced
by the REPL.
user=> (def del (delay (println "printed") (+ 2 3)))
user=> del
user=> (force del)
The documentation seems to imply t
re: "clojure.contrib.datalog"
Also note that some graph databases like AllegroGraph (not to over
promote that specific product, but it is free to use up to 50M triples
or somesuch)...
Anyway, such graph databases often provide a Prolog or Prolog-ish
inferencing capability (among other algorithms
Insurance policies, etc. are complicated graphs even for a relational
database model. I am not convinced you have to use clojure's
functional data structures for these graphs. I've seen good ORM
frameworks run out of steam on insurance apps as well.
As part of the _processing_ of insurance functi
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