I've open sourced a command-line tool I wrote, in Clojure, for pulling SLA
(service-level agreement) stats from JIRA using the JIRA Rest API.
Given a JIRA instance, it can generate some CSV files reporting on the
issues matching a JQL you pr
On Monday, April 29, 2013 6:07:34 PM UTC-4, larry google groups wrote:
> I am no longer a total beginner at Clojure, but I find I still get badly
> confused by some issues at the repl (namesspaces, classpath, dependencies,
> etc). Can anyone point me to a good tutorial about working at the
On Monday, April 29, 2013 6:07:01 PM UTC-4, Cedric Greevey wrote:
> If you want to exhaust read-string's input argument, getting back a vector
> of all of the objects in the input and an error if any of them are
> syntactically invalid, just call (read-string (str "[" in-string "]")).
> Th
PM UTC-4, Ben wrote:
> Because "1000N" is a complete expression, as you can verify with your REPL.
> On Mon, Apr 29, 2013 at 1:43 PM, noahlz >wrote:
>> Understood, but what I was wondering is why the trailing parenthesis is
>> discarded / not considered
Understood, but what I was wondering is why the trailing parenthesis is
discarded / not considered part of the "object" expression?
On Monday, April 29, 2013 4:32:49 PM UTC-4, Weber, Martin S wrote:
> user=> (doc read-string)
> -
> clojure.core/read-string
> ([s])
(Disclaimer: I post this aware that read-string is considered dangerous for
untrusted code and having starred tools.reader)
I was writing some code using read-string and encountered the following
(somewhat odd?) behavior:
Clojure 1.5.1
user=> (read-string "1000N(")
user=> (read-string "10
Great use of reductions. Thanks!
On Saturday, September 29, 2012 11:10:27 AM UTC-4, Jean Niklas L'orange
> Is there a more concise implementation, perhaps using `filter` or merely
>> by making the `reduce` version more "idiomatic" somehow?
> Another version I believe is more evid
I've implemented the following two versions of the "Max Sub-Array" problem
( in Clojure, using
the Kadane algorithm.
First with `loop` / `recur`
(defn max-sub-array [A]
(loop [x (first A)
a (rest A)