I am trying to play around with the clojure-twitter library (http://
github.com/mattrepl/clojure-twitter/tree) and it depends on clj-apache-
http (http://github.com/rnewman/clj-apache-http/tree/master).
So I cloned the repo, built it with ant and added the clj-apache-
http.jar to my classpath.
nd execute the XPaths, which I would
> imagine will be faster than using zippers. You could also, of course,
> simply use the javax.xml.* libraries above directly to load the
> document and evaluate the xpath.
> -DTH
> On Aug 23, 2:02 am, dmix wrote:
> > I am pla
I am planning on migrating an app from ruby to clojure (for
performance and to learn clojure) and before I proceed I wanted to
make sure a few libraries are available.
One crucial part of the app is parsing a URL to return the pages HTML
(...etc). Then I need to grab a certain element off the