Has anyone used protocols to create explicit boundaries between the bigger
pieces of their systems? We want to track/control the interactions between
these sub-systems and are considering using protocols to define public
APIs. Is this good practice? Would it be better to simply create our API
I'm using clojurescript "1.8.51" and core.async "0.2.374"
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Id' second clojure.test,
it's simple, tests are written in idiomatic clojure and has good tooling
support (eg. run tests in cider).
It's my go-to testing library now.
On Monday, 27 October 2014 07:26:25 UTC+11, Ashton Kemerling wrote:
> Don't forget clojure.test! It's simple, but I've found
Apologies for the job spam, there are still relatively few Clojure jobs so
I hope people don’t mind.
We're currently recruiting for an experienced polyglot developer familiar
with Clojure (no commercial experience necessary) and Java in Melbourne,
We have grand plans to transit
are taking
longer in the parallel version than the serial and they all seem to be
methods that have one or more instanceof or instance? calls but given the
results above I'm not sure how much weight to give this.
It's seems the elephant is still in the room and responsible to ~50% o
No, it's not the context switching, changing isArray (a native method) to
getAnnotations (a normal jvm method) gives the same time for both the
parallel and serial version.
On Saturday, December 29, 2012 10:34:42 AM UTC+11, Leonardo Borges wrote:
> In that case is
re to go from here, these functions are frequently used by
Perhaps someone with more JVM implementation knowledge can help?
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fter the change above clojush.interpreter/execute_instruction is looking
like a hotspot with clojure.lang.ArraySeq creation seeming to spend more
time in java.lang.Class.getComponentType() in the parallel version than the
serial one.
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#x27;ve uncovered.
Agreed, I'd like clojure to be my preferred language when I have a 100 core
machine, it's certainly something I'd like to get to the bottom of.
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but there would seem to be a case for
changing the PersistentList
implementation in clojure.lang.
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Note that posts from n
t to your multiple jvm test. I just split the
population into small blocks and had each map function calculate the
fitness and return a map of individual-id -> fitness.
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On Thursday, December 13, 2012 12:51:57 AM UTC+11, Marshall
Bockrath-Vandegrift wrote:
> cameron > writes:
> > the megamorphic call site hypothesis does sound plausible but I'm
> > not sure where the following test fits in.
> ...
> >
pact differed
significantly between intel and amd hardware.
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mory allocation.
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I forgot to mention, I cut the number of reverse iterations down to 1000
(not 1) so I wouldn't have to wait too long for criterium, the speedup
numbers are representative of the full test though.
On Sunday, December 9, 2012 6:26:16 PM UTC+11, cameron wrote:
are no blocked threads for the duration of the test and there is no
unexpected monitor/lock usage.
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Note tha
It doesn't support that out of the box but it should be pretty straight
forward to add.
Was the use case you were thinking of something like this
http://paste.lisp.org/display/130713 ?
On Thursday, July 26, 2012 11:07:31 PM UTC+10, Jeff Rose wrote:
> Wow, cool. Ove
so I
think you should be ok now though I did have to delete ~/.m2 in one case.
Let me know if you have any problems.
On Thursday, July 26, 2012 11:42:07 PM UTC+10, Lee wrote:
> Cameron,
> I'm eager to check this out.
> There's a missing qu
[org.clojars.cdorrat/geva-core "1.2-SNAPSHOT"]
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7;ll look at
merging the changes from 2.0 release.
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I wrote a clojure wrapper for GEVA ( a gramatical evolutional library, see
http://ncra.ucd.ie/Site/GEVA.html) that I can put on github if theres any
interest. I'm not as active in this area as I once was but I'm definitely
still interested.
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Great video,
it was interesting that the binary search example only really works
with pure functions since you must specify all of the initial state
for the debugger/visualiser.
In non-pure functions (and oo) the user is unlikely to be able to
specify valid values for all the mutable state even
available at http://cdorrat.github.com/reduce-fsm/
and the source at https://github.com/cdorrat/reduce-fsm
Feedback and comments are welcome.
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, Jarkko Oranen wrote:
> Cameron Pulsford wrote:
> > Is there a way to do this? Besides cleaning up function signatures is
> > this a premature optimization to begin with?
> > (declare *macros*)
> > (defn macro-expand [tokens]
> > (map #(get *macros* %
Hello all, here is an extremely reduced version of a problem I'm not
sure how to work around. (It's going to be a toy assembly language if
anyone's wondering) When I call assemble in the following code I get
the error: "java.lang.IllegalStateException: Var reader/*macros* is
unbound." I'd like *mac
f nesting anonymous functions, and while performance isn't
> a big deal for me I'm curious.
> On Aug 23, 12:30 pm, Cameron wrote:
> > Again with the bad examples but...
> > (map #(even? %) coll) is faster than
> > (map (partial even?) coll)
icMember class args) to (class/
> staticMember args) while you're in there. You could also fix the other
> shift operators if you wanted.
> On Aug 23, 1:15 pm, Cameron wrote:
> > Hey all, I had an itch this weekend... so I scratched it.
> > I was doi
Hey all, I had an itch this weekend... so I scratched it.
I was doing some bit twiddling stuff and needed the Java >>> operator.
I had written some workarounds but they were overly-complicated and
slower than I would have hoped, so I dug directly into core and added
it as a first class citizen nex
Again with the bad examples but...
(map #(even? %) coll) is faster than
(map (partial even?) coll)
So it's at least got that going for it.
(I know this SHOULD be written as (map even? coll))
On Aug 23, 1:59 pm, Michael Gardner wrote:
> On Aug 23, 2010, at 11:13 AM, Luka Stojanovic wrote:
I've been wondering about this topic recently as well.
>Often such a function does not need to be part of the contract for
>implementers (i.e. the protocol) at all.
Stu, (or anybody) I'd like to ask about a variation on this point. How
do you handle the case where you have a general function tha
Not 100% on this, but this is what I do when reading files...
(with-open [rdr (BufferedReader. (FileReader. file-name))]
(reduce conj [] (line-seq rdr)))
That ensures that the whole seq is realized without closing the
handle, but it also allows you to wrap the whole block with a take
aining set. I'd offer you the file I had but
I think I deleted it after the semester was over..
On Jul 28, 2010, at 4:58 PM, Daniel wrote:
> I want to write a clojure program that searches for similarities of
> words in the english language and places them in a graph, where t
Ahhh! It's so obvious now that I'm almost embarrassed. Thank you Randy
On Jul 27, 4:17 pm, Randy Hudson wrote:
> The form you're looking for is (defn foo [ & [a b :as c]] ...)
> On Jul 27, 2:57 pm, Cameron wrote:
> > Hey all, just wonderi
Hey all, just wondering if this is normal or not. There seems to be
something weird going on with :as in a functions arg vector.
This little example works as I'd expect...
user=> (defn foo [[a b :as c]] c)
user=> (foo [1 2])
[1 2]
But this one does not
user=> (defn foo [a b :as c] c)
Hi Bill,
How about something like...
(filter #(every? true? ((juxt f g h) %)) my-list)
In the character sense it's not more terse than your original example,
but it is a little nicer to add additional functions to compare with.
Throwing it in a function could be useful too
(defn multi-filter
#x27;coll'. How is passing an explicit list any different than
having it destructured via '&' in the argument vector?
On Jul 7, 1:11 pm, Jason Wolfe wrote:
> Hi Cameron,
> On Jul 7, 9:49 am, Cameron wrote:
> > Hello all! Today, I've either discovere
> On Wed, Jul 7, 2010 at 6:03 PM, Nicolas Oury wrote:
> > If you macroexpand the first foo in (foo 1 2), you will see something like
> > (1 2)
> > when this gets evaluated, Clojure is not happy about 1 not being a
> > function.
> > On Wed, Jul 7, 2010 at
Hello all! Today, I've either discovered a bug, or I've discovered a
flaw in my understanding of macros. Most likely the latter :-) Could
anyone set me straight?
While this is not the macro I was trying to write, it falls over in
the same place.
(user=> (defmacro foo [& xs] `(map identity ~xs))
Not sure if you guys know this but binding doesn't work in 1.1.0-alpha
on Snow Leopard and apparently Linux.
(def foo 10)
; => '#user/foo
; => 10
(binding [foo 42] foo)
; => 10
(binding [user/foo 42] foo)
; => 10
(binding [user/foo 42] (var-get #'user/foo))
; => 10
Here's the post on Sta
39 matches
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