> Bt this will be dynamic, Any number of keys can come, How to segregate and
> assigned to
> particular variable?
> Thanking you.
> --
> With regards.
> Ganesh N Neelekani
> On S
Welcome to Clojure!
You could just define a function taking a map as an argument and return the
query as a string using destructering [0]
(defn people [{:keys [table person id]}]
(str "SELECT * FROM " table " WHERE person_id = " person " ORDER BY " id))
You may want to have a look at Sean Corn
You should be able to specify the deps.edn file using a env variable -
The Clojure tools will use the following deps.edn map sources, in this
Root - found in the installation of clj (or as a resource in tools.deps)
User - cross-project configuration (typically tools)