Re: Macro help/strategy for writing a tiny DSL for circuit-model quantum computing?

2019-05-16 Thread Vic Putz
Alex-- The reason I'm starting with macros is that they're the high-risk/less-understood part of this; the rest is more or less straightforward, so I want to get a vertical slice working as soon as possible and expand from there. 1. Start with data - what are the entities (bits? gates?), and h

Macro help/strategy for writing a tiny DSL for circuit-model quantum computing?

2019-05-15 Thread Vic Putz
...which sounds a LOT more complex than it is. I don't care about simulation--there are great Python-based packages for that. I don't even care about verification or optimization yet; I just want to generate a data structure that's exportable in, say, EDN that I can write a parser for in Pyth

Figwheel-component and autoreloading source... how?

2016-01-26 Thread Vic Putz
Developing a wee "learning app" with duct/component/figwheel, using emacs and cider, and I've hit a snag. I want the sexy auto-reloading of code that figwheel provides, but as the good Weavejester says in, that's not a port of the

Pattern for service with multiple clients using two-way channels?

2016-01-05 Thread Vic Putz
I love the idea of core.async channels as generic inboxes for "in-program microservices" for lack of a better term. They're a great decoupling mechanism. But I get a little confused when you get beyond a producer-consumer model. A service with an inbox (consumer) works well for multiple clien