I was going to extend java.util.regex.Matcher for named groups and
came to a point where I wanted to proxy the Matcher-class so that my
extension was usable in-place of the original implementation.
I realized - via "java.lang.VerifyError: Cannot inherit from final
class" - that it isn't p
I just updated from SVN resulting in some code of mine no longer
(add-classpath "file:///C:/clojure/scripts/metadata-
(ns images.date-sorter
(:import (javax.swing JFileChooser))
(:import (java.io File FilenameFilter))
(:import (java.text SimpleDateFormat))
I was trying to use Clojure to verify the behavior some method in
Namely I wanted to quickly check whether Collections.sort does the
sorting I need.
So I came up with:
(let [list '("1" "KB" "K6" "2" "EÜ" "EZ" "ES")]
(java.util.Collections/sort list)
But since Collect