On Wed, Feb 18, 2009 at 8:02 PM, Rich Hickey wrote:
> On Feb 18, 12:20 pm, Frantisek Sodomka wrote:
>> How should I say it... It just didn't look "symmetrical" to me.
>> So, basically, there is a difference between functions returning
>> sequences - depending on if they are lazy or eage
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At first I found this kind of confusing, but after reading Chouser's
article and the help. It makes a lot of sense. I found it easiest to
understand when I thought about it as two pairs of related names. The
first/rest pair and the seq/more pair.
If we have the following map:
(def m {:key 1 'sym 2 "str" 3})
The following are equivalent:
(:key m)
(m :key)
As are the following:
('sym m)
(m 'sym)
I think the commutativity of maps with symbols and keywords is a
valuable and good thing. I realize that the String class doesn't
implement th
lists, vecotrs, and hashes all have an empty() method, so
(defn clone-coll
([coll clone-item] (clone-item (seq coll) coll clone-item))
([seq coll clone-item]
(if (not seq)
(.empty coll)
(cons (clone-item (first seq)) (clone-coll (rest seq) coll clone-