g the right balance is a bit
>> of an art.
>> If you could share a bit more about how you are testing this, it might
>> suggest some other options. Are you generating data with gen/generate or
>> gen/sample, using clojure.spec.test/test, or something else?
ple, using clojure.spec.test/test, or something else?
> On Monday, July 4, 2016 at 1:19:22 PM UTC-5, Sebastian Oberhoff wrote:
>> I set myself the exercise of converting k-SAT CNF-formulas to 3-SAT
>> formulas, a task that most theoretical computer scientists will be famil
I set myself the exercise of converting k-SAT CNF-formulas to 3-SAT
formulas, a task that most theoretical computer scientists will be familiar
with. For that purpose I defined the spec
(s/def ::literal (s/or :symbol symbol? :negated-symbol (s/spec (s/cat :not
:symbol symbol?
What's surprising is that I executed a pure function twice in succession
and got different results. Furthermore the second execution papers over an
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The following lines are copied straight from tryclj.com
> (def expexp (lazy-cat [2] (map #(* % %) expexp)))
> (take 100 expexp)
java.lang.ArithmeticException: integer overflow
> (take 100 expexp)
(2 4 16 256 65536 4294967296)
I'm wondering if this behavior is known, because