The best way to get going right now with ClojureCLR is to build it from
source. The following is the process to build ClojureCLR on Linux
(Assuming that the mono development environment is installed).
1. Download:
Just wondering has anyone seen this build error from ClojureCLR (The
"Clojure.Compile" Project):
Error 3 The command ""C:\Users\Robert\bob-dev\bob-src\clojureCLR-
\Clojure.Compile.exe" clojure.c
Is anyone currently working on any of these action items for
These items are from the blog post:
1. Action item: Develop a version of Leiningen supporting ClojureCLR
projects (nlein?)
2. Action item: Develop a Nu
This is GREAT!!! I love the way you have opened it up for community
On Jul 9, 4:32 am, zkim wrote:
> Hi All,
> I'll try to keep this short.
> I've gotten a lot out of Clojure: I can honestly say that learning
> this language, and being part of this community has made m
Well said Phil. I would like to volunteer to help. It just so happen
that I have some time to help work on a solution. I am going to take
a few days to do some research before starting. Any help that the
clojure community can give me would gladly be apreciated
On Jun 30, 12:35 pm, Phil