I need suggestions of libraries (or others solutions) to implement a soap
server in a clojure project. The project is long-term and i saw some
libraries that are no longer maintained. So anyone uses one of them? Which
is recommended?
You received this message because you ar
It worked, thanks!
Em sábado, 19 de maio de 2018 19:38:28 UTC-3, Alex Engelberg escreveu:
> Not sure what's going on with shutdown-agents, but you could call (run!
> deref ...) to wait for all the futures to complete.
> On Sat, May 19, 2018 at 3:29 PM Renata Soares
I am using future this way:
(doall (map #(future () (range 1 max-size))
When the max-size is small like around 6, if I don't print (println (doall
(map #(future () (range 1 max-size))), the
result becomes empty
(Without print)
renata@renata:~/$ lein run
ranking {}
(With p
I have this vec called *inviteds* [:2 :4]
and I want to produce something like (hash-map :2 1, :4 1)
(doall (map #(hash-map % 1) *inviteds*))
but returns ({:2 1} {:4 1})
How can I produce the same result as (hash-map :2 1, :4 1) with doall (or
other similar function)?
How can I update the atom accounts in the field of operations?
(def accounts (atom [{:id "7512a15b-0770-4a9b-a74b-389374b46461", :balance
0.0, :operations nil, :blocked false}
{:id "7446cfe6-882c-4f25-bad1-5ed8c9aea994", :balance 0.0, :operations
nil, :blocked false}
{:id "3136860d-ab
I found the problem... in my core.clj i was using (slurp *in*) to get
contents via stdin.
'lein midje' performs 'lein run' first?
Em quarta-feira, 11 de abril de 2018 20:27:04 UTC-3, Renata Soares escreveu:
> Hello,
> I am running 'lein midje' on
It happens with 'lein repl' too (gives timeout in this case).
Em quarta-feira, 11 de abril de 2018 20:27:04 UTC-3, Renata Soares escreveu:
> Hello,
> I am running 'lein midje' on my project and looks like an infinite loop.
> Doesn't sho
I am running 'lein midje' on my project and looks like an infinite loop.
Doesn't show any message of error.
(defproject job-queue "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"
:description "FIXME: write description"
:url "http://example.com/FIXME";
:main job-queue.core
:license {:name "Eclipse
oncurrency is an issue with what you are
> doing with the data.
> Read this as well.
> https://clojure.org/reference/atoms
> On Tuesday, April 3, 2018 at 6:24:27 PM UTC-5, Renata Soares wrote:
>> Good Night,
>> I have this function:
I was passing as a parameter with @ before... it worked when i passed just
the atom name. Thanks.
Em terça-feira, 3 de abril de 2018 20:36:58 UTC-3, André escreveu:
> collection probably isn’t an atom. Do you have a fully working snippet?
> On 04/03/2018 08:24 PM, Renata
Good Night,
I have this function:
(defn treat-requests [key-request collection]
(let [selecteds (filter #((keyword key-request) %) input)]
(doseq [item selecteds]
(swap! collection conj item
where input is an output of clojure.data.json/read-str and swap is giving
this following error:
then you can
> accomplish this without an atom:
> (for [[m ks] [[m1 ks1] [m2 ks2] ...]]
> (select-keys m ks))
> Does just that.
> Take care,
> Moe
> On Thu, Mar 29, 2018 at 12:27 AM, Renata Soares > wrote:
>> Good night,
>> I have this
Good night,
I have this function:
(defn treat-requests [input key-request collection]
(let [selecteds (select-keys input key-request)]
(swap! collection conj selecteds)))
and I want to execute that 3 times with 3 differents arguments
How can I do to apply a list of differents arguments to a fu
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