I barely have time to do anything in Clojure these days, but the work
you've done, the talks you've given, and so on are worth "the price of
admission". I really do hope enough chip in so you can focus on your
work with the language until such time as you can make it profitable
in other ways, if t
If you look at the data_structures page on clojure.org you'll see
there are sorted maps available to allow guarantees of being sorted by
On Aug 27, 1:40 pm, Jeremy Gailor wrote:
> Traditionally, there is no guarantee for the sorting order of keys in a map.
> There are sorted map
, 8:20 am, John Newman wrote:
> > (def transhashmap (transient {})
> (assoc transhashmap "a" 1)
> (assoc transhashmap "b" 2)
> etc
> Isn't that what Rich was talking about, about not bashing in place?
> On Fri, Aug 7, 2009 at 6:4
Err assoc! obviously ;-)
(Sorry for the double post, didn't want to confuse Cristophe).
On Aug 7, 8:15 am, Patrick Sullivan
> I don't have the EXACT code handy to c/p (at work now) but I did
> something like the following.
> (apologies for doing it such an iterative
ot; 6, "k11" 11,
> "k7"
> 7, "k12" 12, "k8" 8, "k13" 13, "k9" 9, "k14" 14, "k15" 15, "k16" 16, "k17"
> 17,
> "k18" 18, "k19" 19}
> Christophe
> On Fr
8th it seemed to stop taking new
Am I doing something silly here or is this a bug?
~Patrick Sullivan
On Aug 6, 5:53 am, Rich Hickey wrote:
> On Aug 5, 10:10 pm, Luc Prefontaine
> wrote:
> > I like this very much... that's the kind of clever optimizations t