Re: subseq, garbage collection, and finalize

2013-07-29 Thread Patrick Houk
Hi, Regarding #1: I agree with Cedric that WeakReference is a better tool for writing "memory leak" tests. I've done it in the past, having gotten the idea from a Sun blog ([a], which uses the code at [b]). Regarding #2: It looks like the reify expression actually creates two instances (in

Re: == is not transitive?

2012-10-05 Thread Patrick Houk
I was bitten by this a year ago and posted here: My workaround is to call BigDecimal#stripTrailingZeros before passing it to code that might compare it to some other number. user> (== 1 (.stripTrailingZeros 1.0M)) true How

Re: == is not always transitive

2012-04-12 Thread Patrick Houk
Yes, that is one reason why I tend to use BigDecimal instead of float or double. The thing that seems wrong to me is (not (== 1 1.0M)), since these are both exact representations of the value one and the doc for == says that it tests for "equivalent value (type- independent)". On Apr 11, 10:00 pm

== is not always transitive

2011-09-02 Thread Patrick Houk
Greetings, I think that I've encountered a bug in ==. user=> (and (== 1 1.0) (== 1.0 1.0M) (not (== 1 1.0M))) true This happens with 1.2.1 and 1.3-beta2. I think it has to do with the precision of the BigDecimal. user=> (== 1 1.0M) false user=> (== 1 1M) true I think a solution would be to us

Re: Unknown constant tag 32 in class file error

2011-07-05 Thread Patrick Houk
Does the file you are evaluating have more than 65535 characters? As far as I can tell, that is the maximum length of a String literal in Java (see the CONSTANT_Utf8_info struct in I've encountered that limit when using E