at understand complex types.
> On Tuesday, 28 April 2015 19:42:23 UTC+8, Nik wrote:
>> What I would like is a complex type that plays well with Clojure's
>> generic abstractions and functional style (much like Ratio), and is
>> ind
To put is simply, it would be nice to have a complex type in Clojure, not
as a separate namespace, but something that is part of the language. It
should interoperate with other Clojure types (like adding a double to a
complex), as well as clojure.core.arithmetic. That's what I meant about
hat could be hidden as an implementation
> detail). This library would also implement all the core.matrix protocols
> for the chosen complex number type, mostly just by calling b) directly
> On Monday, 27 April 2015 23:39:34 UTC+8, Nik wrote:
>> I have been t
not sure whether I am doing something wrong, but for a project with many jar
artifacts [1] that have to be classpath-fed to nailgun I need to armwrestle
vim(clojure) to start honoring the mappings and calling into vimclojure's
(version 2.1.2) guts and onto nailgun...
Here's what I mean by armwrest
Apache's commons-lang library has a utility class that has a decent amount
of functionality for dissecting exception stacks/traces (getRootCause()
maybe what you want):
On Thu, Aug 27, 2009 at 10:03 AM, Tim Sny