Just tried it out and the improvements were substantial. I tried to add 94K
nodes (journal entries) to a graph, most of which have multiple edges, and
with 0.7.2 it took 137 seconds, whereas with the specter branch, it only
took 92 seconds. Everything else worked fine as well. Thanks for this
Just tried it out and the improvements were substantial. I tried to add 94K
nodes (journal entries) to a graph, most of which have multiple edges, and
with 0.7.2 it took 137 seconds, whereas with the specter branch, it only
took 92 seconds. Everything else worked fine as well. Thanks for this
No problems here, I updated it in all my projects and everything is working
nicely. Thanks!
On Wednesday, December 2, 2015 at 5:03:31 PM UTC+1, Alex Miller wrote:
> Clojure 1.8.0-RC3 is now available. *This build is a "release candidate"!* We
> would appreciate any and all testing you can do o
context? For me, that's such a
natural modus operandi to contribute my time in order to make something
better. Does that exist for lawyers?
On Wednesday, October 29, 2014 2:21:46 PM UTC+1, OHTA Shogo wrote:
> Hi
> Recently, Matthias Nehlsen graciously shared his tra
Sente works really well, I am using it in the Clojure rewrite of an
application and I am using it to call functions on the server from the
client by putting messages on core.async channels. I am even using it to
get around the current limitation on the ClojureScript side that there's no