mplate you
> could use with "lein new foobar ..."
> - James
> On 27 August 2015 at 16:29, Matthew Molloy
> > wrote:
>> According to the current documentation I create a leiningen plugin using
>> the pattern
>> (defproject
According to the current documentation I create a leiningen plugin using
the pattern
(defproject your-template-name/lein-template "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"
however the clojars tutorial indicates that projects should be named as
(defproject org.clojars.whamtet/too-hot "1.0.0"
where whamtet is m
Sorry, what I meant was can bootstrapped ClojureScript do (:require-macros ...)
without the JVM. Perhaps you can clarify that FAQ to say that.
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Hi David,
Are macros supported directly within clojurescript then? I'm having some
trouble compiling a macro via defmacro.
On Saturday, August 1, 2015 at 1:52:23 AM UTC+8, David Nolen wrote:
> ClojureScript, the Clojure compiler that emits JavaScript source code.
> README and source
Somebody else has beat me to it.
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Thanks for the feedback. I'll let you know how things progress.
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Dear Community,
I love making Clojure web apps, however their startup time is a serious
drawback when used with a transient hosting service such as Heroku. My
thought is to port Ring and Compojure over to Clojurescript so that can get
their nice abstractions hosted on the Node.js runtime.
Hi guys,
I love making Clojure web apps, however their startup time is a serious
drawback when used with a transient hosting service such as Heroku. My
thought is to port Ring and Compojure over to Clojurescript and create a
Node.js ring adapter. Has anybody tried something like this? Any
Shouldn't that be (.-length nl) ?
On Tuesday, January 10, 2012 7:25:29 AM UTC+10, Jozef Wagner wrote:
> Beware that NodeList is often a live collection, so it is probably a good
> idea to produce "eager" seq. I use this to convert it to seq:
> (defn nodelist-to-seq
> "Converts nodelis