Hi Robin,
thanks for the example of reduce above! That was what I was looking for.
I will try it out once I'm at my desk again.
/ Mathias
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Hi all,
a short question from a newbie. I have a data structure like:
"mytitle1"; "2015-02-01"
"mytitle2"; "2015-03-12"
"mytitle3; "2015-01-12"
and want something like this
[{:title "mytitle1" :events [{:date "2015-02-01}]}
{:title "mytitle2" :events [{:date "2015-03-12"} {:date
I'm trying to serve a clj-http generated document directly via
I thought ring.util/piped-output-stream would work, but it seems I'm not
understanding something here...
(defn laminat-pdf-t
(fn [output-stream])
[ {:title (str "Omanimal
Did you look into Pulsar https://github.com/puniverse/pulsar ?
I'm using core.async in the browser, but I don't see it as a multithreading
mechanism. Pulsar puts an erlang-like api around the quasar
lightweight threads and actors for java. Looks really nice, and seems a
good fit for dse type a
I just tried this test case (from Anderkent on IRC):
(def pingc (chan))
(def ^:dynamic *text* "OUPS BAD ASYNC")
(binding [*text* "good boy"]
(go (while true
> Hi all,
> I'm fighting with shoreleave-remote-ring running on a non default context
> (immutant), and me not being able to
rstag, 5. September 2013 13:18:39 UTC+2 schrieb Mathias Picker:
> Hi all,
> I'm fighting with shoreleave-remote-ring running on a non default context
> (immutant), and me not being able to rebind
> shoreleave.remotes.http-rpc/*remote-uri* inside a go blo
Hi all,
I'm fighting with shoreleave-remote-ring running on a non default context
(immutant), and me not being able to rebind
shoreleave.remotes.http-rpc/*remote-uri* inside a go block.
If you look at https://gist.github.com/mathiasp/6448753, you will find a
code snippet in the init function w