Re: Clojure - CLR - JS - Visual Studio Extension

2013-03-19 Thread Martin Jul
> > > I have made experiments with compiling ClojureScript to .NET code using the Microsoft.JScript JavaScript compiler and for a Hello World application it had a few hiccups in relation to compiling the Google closure-library (the use of future reserved keywords like "require" and "namespace"

Re: Windows Installation

2013-03-10 Thread Martin Jul
An alternative to GNU tools is to use the things that ship with Windows PowerShell and are on most developer's machines already, e.g. using the Invoke-RestMethod commandlet as an alternative to wget and curl. I have used PowerShell to simplify ClojureScript setup on Windows without too much tro

Re: algebra system & core.logic

2012-05-21 Thread Martin Jul
Symbolic computation sounds like a really great project! For your specific problem of sorting the dependencies, you can do a "topological sort" of the dependency graph of your equations in linear time (given there are no cyclic dependencies, otherwise it would detect the failure). There are st

Re: WebSockets with Clojure

2012-02-04 Thread Martin Jul
In our perf lab tests for a trading system we have gone up to around 10,000 concurrent connections and up to 20-40k messages per second with sub-10 millisecond latency on web sockets on a single server before things start breaking down (in this case the data is generated on another machine so the s

(:key map) lookup vs accessor functions in large applications

2011-08-06 Thread Martin Jul
Having evolved domain models in large Clojure projects over a long time, I've been going back and forth on maps contra accessor functions to opaque objects and I do see some merit in the latter even though they are not idiomatic Clojure. Basically, the crucial point for me is how well they work wi

Re: Getting Clojure into the workplace, how do you do it?

2010-07-06 Thread Martin Jul
Initially I taught myself Clojure because it is a lot of fun. That lead me to using it for prototyping a currency trading application and since it worked well we just kept using Clojure for that. Some customers don't care about the technology as long as the app is earning them money. I also looked

Re: State of Clojure web development

2010-06-24 Thread Martin Jul
We have written a currency trading app in Clojure in my company. It has an embedded web server with a compojure app that provides an administration interface. 2. Which libraries or frameworks are you using? Which versions? Some relevant dependencies are: [compojure "0.4.0-SNAPS