Hi all, thank for the helpful discussion.
I've stumbled upon the same issue of needing to skip a subtree during a 
traversal and solved it with the following skip function that is a slight 
modification of one in the original message:
(defn skip-subtree
  "Fast-forward a zipper to skip the subtree at `loc`."
    (zip/end? loc) loc
    (some? (zip/right loc)) (zip/right loc)
    (some? (zip/up loc)) (recur (zip/up loc))
    :else (assoc loc 1 :end)))

In short, we traverse to the right if there's a right, otherwise we 
recursively go up and check again if there's a right.  If we never find a 
right, then we'll navigate back up to the root.  In this case, mark the 
zipper as consumed (with `:end`) and return.
Seems to be working well, so hopefully it can help somebody else. 



On Tuesday, May 6, 2014 at 5:24:53 PM UTC+2, Pascal Germroth wrote:
> On Tuesday, May 6, 2014 4:07:11 PM UTC+1, Alex Miller wrote:
>> I wrote this article long ago which hints about this at the end:
>> https://www.ibm.com/developerworks/library/j-treevisit/
> I started from that actually, very helpful article.
> I have since noticed a bug in my previous skip function where it would 
> loop infinitely when skipping from the rightmost location.
> The fix includes an end function, so I can no just iterate backwards using 
> that as you suggested.
> Leaving this here for future reference, in case anybody comes across the 
> same problem:
> (defn end
>   "returns the location loc where (end? (next loc)) is true."
>   [loc]
>   (loop [loc loc]
>     (let [loc (z/rightmost loc)]
>       (if (z/branch? loc)
>         (recur (z/down loc))
>         loc))))
> (defn skip
>   "returns the next location that is not a child of this one"
>   [start-loc]
>   (loop [loc start-loc]
>     (cond
>       ; can't skip, jump to end
>       (nil? loc) (z/next (end start-loc))
>       ; at end
>       (z/end? loc) loc
>       ; go to right/up
>       true (or (z/right loc)
>                (recur (z/up loc))))))
>> The approach I have taken for editing trees with zippers is to do a 
>> post-walk from end to beginning - that way you're always done transforming 
>> and will not walk into your edited subtrees. The article does talk a little 
>> about how to separate navigation from transformation; it's not particularly 
>> hard. You want to start from your rightmost node, which you can get from a 
>> repeated application of zip/rightmost or last of zip/rights. Then 
>> repeatedly call prev till you reach a node without a parent at that point 
>> convert the loc to a node in the termination.
>> I can dig up actual code for this later if you're interested.
>> Alex
>> On Monday, May 5, 2014 6:01:04 PM UTC-5, Pascal Germroth wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I'm using clojure.zip to edit a tree by visiting each location using 
>>> zip/next, possibly using zip/replace to alter the tree.
>>> There are cases where I replace a part of the tree with another tree 
>>> that will/must not be visited, but I couldn't find a good way to skip 
>>> nodes, since
>>> (zip/next (zip/replace loc new-subtree)) will walk right into my new 
>>> tree, and I can't use (zip/right (zip/replace loc new-subtree)) as the 
>>> replaced location might already be the rightmost.
>>> Is there a built-in function I missed, or a zip enhancement library I 
>>> could use?
>>> (defn skip
>>>   "returns the next location that is not a child of this one"
>>>   [loc]
>>>   (if (or (z/end? loc) (nil? loc))
>>>     loc
>>>     (loop [loc loc]
>>>       (or (z/right loc)
>>>           (recur (z/up loc))))))
>>> I came up with this replacement, does that seem like a good idea, or am 
>>> I using zip completely wrong (because what I really would like to do is 
>>> iterate backwards through the tree, starting at the end, using zip/prev; 
>>> but there's also no function to just jump to the end as far as I can tell)
>>> Cheers,
>>> -- 
>>> pascal

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