Re: Order of keys within a map?

2009-08-27 Thread Jeremy Gailor
Traditionally, there is no guarantee for the sorting order of keys in a map. There are sorted map implementations around though if you are in need of this functionality (I'm not sure if there is a Clojure sorted map, but the algorithm is out there). On Thu, Aug 27, 2009 at 12:35 PM, Howard Lewis

Question about lazy evaluation

2009-07-26 Thread Jeremy Gailor
I have this very trivial function: (defn find-me [n] (loop [coll (iterate inc 20)] (if (= (first coll) n) n (recur (next coll) Let's leave out the problem that the loop may never end. My question is the sequence that's bound to coll in the loop will only generate the next digit in

How to write performant functions in clojure (and other functional languages)

2009-07-24 Thread Jeremy Gailor
I'm pretty familiar with scheme programming, so functional programming isn't new to me, but I rarely turn to it for solving problems during my day to day work. In learning Clojure, I've been going through problems on project euler, and one question I have is that while it's straigh-forward to impl

Re: Risks of (over-)using destructuring?

2009-07-23 Thread Jeremy Gailor
Hi David, I would say that this is a problem in any programming language that makes use of an external library. If the public API of a library changes, you're going to need to update the code that acts as a consumer of that library. It's an inherent risk in upgrading without doing proper vetting

Re: Sweeping Networks with Clojure

2009-07-23 Thread Jeremy Gailor
Hey Travis, I just went through your article, worked through your code, tinkered. Great job. I'm learning Clojure now and these are definitely the types of articles that make it a lot easier to see how to work with all of the concurrency mechanisms that the language provides. - Jeremy On Wed,