I got to spend some hack days and created a parallel test runner for
clojure.test. It is part of an autotester I wrote a couple of years ago
called quickie. To run your tests add [quickie "0.3.5"] to your :plugins.
Then run lein quickp. Stacktraces get filtered. The return code is equal to
Is there a mechanism in lamina to prevent unchecked growth of channel size?
For example, is there a way to have enqueue block until the queue size is
less than 10?
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To post to thi
llen wrote:
> Link:
> https://github.com/jakepearson/quickie
> Is it possible to see *some* of the stack trace so you can debug?
> Also you should include a screenshot of what the library looks like in
> action. :)
> On Friday, September 13, 2013 10:57:35
> https://github.com/jakepearson/quickie
> Is it possible to see *some* of the stack trace so you can debug?
> Also you should include a screenshot of what the library looks like in
> action. :)
> On Friday, September 13, 2013 10:57:35 AM UTC-7, Jake Pearson wrote
; Link:
> https://github.com/jakepearson/quickie
> Is it possible to see *some* of the stack trace so you can debug?
> Also you should include a screenshot of what the library looks like in
> action. :)
> On Friday, September 13, 2013 10:57:35 AM UTC-7, Jake
Quickie is a leiningen plugin to autotest clojure.test tests. There don't
seem to be any active projects for clojure.test, so a couple of people at
my office wrote one. Please let me know if you have any problems or ideas:
- Uses the builtin clojure.test test runner so you don't need to