There were a number of talks at the Conj that spoke directly to this
challenge. One of the approaches I liked was Prismatic's schema.
And here's Aria's talk on it, since he can explain it better than I.
On Sat, Ma
Thanks everyone. Good stuff.
I have Let over Lambda, but I didn't glean what I wanted from it (or
probably even what it wanted from me). I'll pick up On Lisp. I didn't
realize it was focused on macros.
Also, I think Luca has given me a clue. I used code gen techniques long
before I started using
thing that could be
taught. Instead, I fear, it must be learned.
On Fri, Aug 9, 2013 at 9:50 AM, Jace Bennett wrote:
> Thanks again, Mike. That's really helpful.
> I'll take a look at the core.matrix stuff to try and understand
> implementation and motivation better.
gt; back for anyone interested:
>> On Thu, Aug 8, 2013 at 9:58 PM, Jace Bennett wrote:
>>> Thanks, Mike.
>>> I guess my simple exampl
points" function that updates endpoints using an
> endpoint map
> - a function that calls both of the above to declare and launch a new
> endpoint
> There might be a few other helper functions as well but hopefully you get
> the idea.
> On Thursday, 8 August 20
Thanks to the community for a wondrous programming environment. I
discovered SICP last year, and fell in love with the idea of lisp. But I've
come to a point where I think I need practice on moderately sized projects
before more reading will help.
When starting on almost any moderately scoped effo