ojure Contrib.
Please forward this meeting invitation to anyone you know who
might be interested.
6:307:00 Informal Meet & Greet
7:007:15 Introduction - Eric Kobrin
7:157:30 Future Meetup Topics and Locations
7:408:00 Dataflow in Clojure - Jeffrey Strasz
Some more String-specific timings, modified to avoid inlining
differences between alternatives:
(let [iterations 1e8] (time (dotimes [_ iterations] (= 0 (.length
(.substring "x" 1) (time (dotimes [_ iterations] (seq (.substring
"x" 1)
"Elapsed time: 3125.125 msecs"
"Elapsed time: 8198.331
In the particular bit of code I'm working on, I have a collection of
vectors. The last one is always [] and no others are empty. Using
`identical?` instead of `seq` to detect that last vector shaved quite
a bit of time in my loop.
This brought to mind the general case of detecting emptiness. The
: 3.898 msecs"
"Elapsed time: 5607.865 msecs"
user=> (let [iterations 1] (time (dotimes [_ iterations]
(identical? () ( (time (dotimes [_ iterations] (seq ()
"Elapsed time: 3.768 msecs"
"Elapsed time: 2258.095 msecs"
Has any thought been given t