We have a "multi project" monorepo setup at Hyperfiddle called
electric-fiddle, it's how we deploy our demos (with merged or isolated
classpaths) while developing on a merged dev classpath, and with common
deployment/build scripts. We've been incubating it for about two years and
been through a
Electric Clojure – a signals DSL for fullstack web UI, with
compiler-managed network sync
For ultra-dynamic web applications, Electric Clojure is a *reactive and
network-aware Clojure/Script DSL* that fully abstracts over client/server
state sync at the programming language layer, in order to a
RCF turns your Rich Comment Forms into tests. No watchers, no beeping, no
lagging, no boilerplate. One key-chord to run tests (send form or file to
repl). Try it, it's good! https://github.com/hyperfiddle/rcf/
Changes: Async support for RCF test blocks is now available! Now develop
async expres
Here is my attempt at gymnastics, exploits that < does indeed resolve to
clojure.core/< in datomic query:
(def c 5)
[:find '?e :where ['?e :db/ident] [`(< ~'?e ~c)]]=> [:find
?e :where [?e :db/ident] [(clojure.core/< ?e 5)]]
(d/q [:find '?e :where
['?e :db/ident]
I wouldn't try to fight this battle, just parameterize the query
[:find ?e :in $ ?three :where
[? :data/number ?number]
[(> ?number ?three)]]
*Datomic will cache queries, so long as the query (first) argument data
structures ev
Datomic allows clojure.core fns to be embedded inside datalog queries,
except eval (http://docs.datomic.com/query.html)
1. Do we know how secure is this - what if the datalog comes from untrusted
user input?
2. What is the best way to implement restricted-eval like this on jvm,
compared to on
I have an arbitrarily nested EDN value stored in an atom in ClojureScript.
What is the best way to make edits to an arbitrary subtree of this value?
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
Groups "Clojure" group.
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david, what's the recommended way to convert between cljs and native js
objects for interop with existing js code?
On Thursday, September 13, 2012 10:13:59 AM UTC-4, David Nolen wrote:
> On Wed, Sep 12, 2012 at 7:12 PM, Brandon Bloom
> >
> wrote:
> > I'm exploring some changes to the Clojure
what are you doing with the return value of csv/parse-csv?
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Note that posts from new members are moderated - please be patient with your
same error happens in ClojureScriptOne as well.
On Monday, June 18, 2012 7:58:13 PM UTC-4, Dustin Getz wrote:
> i'm using lein-cljsbuild advanced example project[1], which seems to be
> the simplest way to get a working clojurescript dev env with browser repl.
> from th
i'm using lein-cljsbuild advanced example project[1], which seems to be the
simplest way to get a working clojurescript dev env with browser repl.
from the browser-based cljs repl, `window` isn't defined, and third-party
javascript code using window fails:
ClojureScript:cljs.user> (Ext.Msg.aler
first a quesiton about idiomatic code:
;; provided by book Fogus & Houser, Joy of Clojure
(defn index [coll]
(map? coll) (seq coll)
(set? coll) (map vector coll coll)
:else (map vector (iterate inc 0) coll)))
;; book gives this as idiomatic code
(defn pos [needle coll]
12 matches
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