FWIW, as someone who's used and made small contributions to nREPL, I'm fine
with any of the options (leaving it in contrib, forking, rebooting). My
lack of contributions hasn't been due to process around nREPL (my lack of
activity on REPLy [1] can validate that) - more around a lack of direct
Any chance the thing being thrown was not an Exception, but still a Throwable?
e.g. AssertionError would behave in the way you've described here, unless I'm
missing some detail -
You received this message because you ar
I can heartily recommend Java Performance: The Definitive Guide to anyone
interested in digging further into all the knobs you can set on the command
line: http://www.amazon.com/Java-Performance-The-Definitive-Guide/dp/1449358454
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Go
Sounds almost like a mirror image of `clojure.core/take-nth`, so something
like this is kind of fun:
(defn drop-nth [n coll]
(when-let [s (seq coll)]
(concat (take (dec n) s) (drop-nth n (drop n s))
On Tuesday, February 17, 2015 at 1:21:20 PM UTC-6, Cecil Westerhof
Thanks, I had fun with this!
This isn't more concise, but I went in a little a different direction,
trying to pull the various concerns apart. In particular I had fun
- the idea of intervals for which any predicate passed from the specific
case of 0/1 equality comparison
- the strin
Yeah the latter version parses as 2 symbols in sjacket, whereas the defn
version parses as a single list.
user=> (p/parser "top%")
#net.cgrand.parsley.Node{:tag :net.cgrand.sjacket.parser/root, :content
[#net.cgrand.parsley.Node{:tag :symbol, :content
[#net.cgrand.parsley.Node{:tag :name, :con
It's due to jline not handling virtual key codes on Windows (which fails in
some [all?] non-US locales). This has been fixed on jline master
by https://github.com/jline/jline2/pull/134, but there's no jline release
available yet.
It'll be in the next REPLy release, even if I need to depend on a
Since these projects have to be named lein-template, you can actually get
the full list via `lein search`, provided you don't need to search
non-standard/private repositories.
I bumped my :user profile's :search-page-size to 1000, and got this when I
ran `lein search lein-template`: https://gis
I've run this a bunch of times (in BOTH `lein repl` and `java -cp [...]
clojure.main`), and have observed both this code printing the OOM
exception, and it being silent as you observed.
The difference in trials *seems* to be that if I skip the intermediate
steps, going straight for the big one
I thought of protocols initially here too, but protocols just define functions,
so where would the data live that you want as metadata?
A closure over the data? This implies extending the protocol on a per-instance
basis, which afaik doesn't exist (cljs design work aside
ther idea to look at, besides the great ones Gary mentioned, is a blog
I did awhile back quoting:
- Colin
On Tuesday, June 18, 2013 2:47:58 AM UTC-5, Hussein B. wrote:
> I don't get why we have to use a se
+1 James.
I can't count the number of times I've found myself unrolling an options
map with a dance like this apply / apply concat.
And don't forget that the function itself then has to roll this options map
back up to operate on it, which syntactically isn't all that bad, but it
usually seem
On Monday, June 10, 2013 9:20:31 AM UTC-5, tbc++ wrote:
> >> 1) testing recursive functions. I want to test what a recursion STEP
> does, not the >> whole function. Can I mock 'recur'?
> You shouldn't need to, pull the body of the loop out as as separate
> function, then test that function.
On Monday, May 27, 2013 12:48:24 PM UTC-5, stuart@gmail.com wrote:
> I thought I wanted some of the affordances, but not the nrepl connection
> (e.g. get to reply's standalone eval mode).
> But it turns out that for my use case, I don't need any of that, so
> calling clojure.main directly
On Monday, March 25, 2013 4:02:40 PM UTC-5, Scott Thoman wrote:
> All,
> I figured I'd give the leiningen droid plugin a shot now that I've got a
> few spare moments to mess around with clojure for an android app. However,
> when I attempt to bootstrap a new project, I get the following:
> -
On Monday, March 25, 2013 2:26:11 PM UTC-5, Clinton Dreisbach wrote:
> This may be a ridiculous idea/question, but:
> I have an application with many namespaces and every single one of
> them has the same require/refer statement in the ns to add logging and
> string manipulation. Is there a w
Yeah, there's been a patch in JIRA for that since 2010, and an updated one
since October 2012: http://dev.clojure.org/jira/browse/CLJ-196
On Tuesday, February 19, 2013 1:08:22 PM UTC-6, Brian Marick wrote:
> By the way, the doc string for `*file*` is wrong:
> > clojure.core/*file*
> > The
Great idea - and with so little code!
On Monday, January 14, 2013 2:58:55 PM UTC-6, Jonas wrote:
> Hi
> I created a middleware for nrepl that saves a transcript of your repl
> interactions so you can go back and see what you did.
> https://github.com/jonase/nrepl-transcript
> Feedback w
Right, this is because nREPL uses clojure.main/repl each time it does an
evaluation. See http://dev.clojure.org/jira/browse/NREPL-31 for a related
issue that was addressed by modifying clojure.main/repl.
I'm not sure where a fix for this would belong (nREPL or clojure.main), but
I went ahead an
It's a bug in reply. I've opened up an issue to get it fixed - thanks for
the report.
On Saturday, August 25, 2012 3:06:28 PM UTC-5, John Gabriele wrote:
> Ran into something odd. Not sure if it's a bug.
> In the repl, if I try `(def x ^{:a 1}
In Leiningen, the reader side is in a different process (owned by
Leiningen, without your project code on the classpath), than the execution
side. So I think you see this error due to classpath separation: the lein
side doesn't have data_readers.clj specification, or the reader functions
Is this using REPLy / a lein2-previewX repl, by chance? I fixed a memory
leak in REPLy yesterday that happened in long-running command scenarios,
and could have caused this behavior
(see https://github.com/technomancy/leiningen/issues/691 for details).
- Colin
On Wednesday, July 18, 2012 10
To address the Infinity exception that Sean & AJ are seeing, I think the
issue there is that in REPLy / lein repl, we do a `read` of the input, and
then `pr-str` the result and send it on to nREPL. So when nREPL goes to
re-read the value back in, that's what triggers the compiler error.
zation, you sidestep the issue.
Granted, that'd require some additional code, but it could still be
reasonably nice w/ polymorphism via protocols or multimethods.
You could also avoid it by using Carbonite (which uses Kryo) instead of
working with plain old ObjectInputStreams:
o post to this group, send email to clojure@googlegroups.com
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Yes, it's not supported yet in lein2 because REPL-y doesn't support it yet.
But it's definitely on my plate to knock out soon, along with :prompt
support, although :repl-* options will likely be collapsed into a
:repl-options map.
A further argument in favor of your choices is that p3 and m2 both work
great with higher-order fns, which I didn't immediately find a way to do
with any of the others:
user=> (map (partial apply ->Person) [["bob" "loblaw"] ["stan" "sitwell"]])
(#user.Person{:first "bob", :last "loblaw"} #us
This could be the same issue that Kevin Baribeau has found with
clojure.contrib.profile here:
(Yes, we know he needs a CA, etc. - he mentions requesting assembla access
before closing that pull request.)
TL;DR - might w
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