It seems that protocol fns don't participate in s/fdef specfications. It
would be nice they were. Sample:
(ns sample
(:require [clojure.spec :as s]))
;; Spec a fn
(s/fdef f
:args (s/cat :i integer?)
:ret integer?)
Yes, I go by `(dorun (map ...` currently .
I was reading [1] and got the impression that run! is to be preferred, but
it seems it's not a full replacement.
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run! can eagerly map a function over a coll.
I think it would be nice to support multiple collections, making it an
eager version of map.
My particular use case is running a test over two colls.
(defn check [m1 m2]
(is (almost= (:x m1) (:x m2)))
(is (= (:y m1) (:y m2
Since issue tracker for core.async is disabled on github, I'll spill this
I think "pipeline" should return the "to" channel, to make it
(->> (range 100)
(a/pipeline 10 (a/chan) (map inc))
(a/pipeline 2 (a/chan) (filter odd?)))