Re: Is it possible to implement break or return in Lisp?

2009-11-04 Thread Christopher Wilson
On Tue, Nov 3, 2009 at 10:58 PM, rob wrote: > > I'm pretty sure there was an example of this using continuations in > Dybvig's book on Scheme.  I just flipped through it and didn't readily > find it, but I think that is where I saw it. You can do something like this (PLT Scheme): #lang scheme

Re: ClojureQL confusion: getting a hold of the results

2009-08-11 Thread Christopher Wilson
It looks like (speaking without having looked at the ClojureQL source) the results are being returned as a lazy sequence. In the first case the sequence isn't being realized but it is in the second. On Tue, Aug 11, 2009 at 2:15 PM, Maximilian Karasz wrote: > Hi, > > i've been wanting to play wit

Re: Package manager proposal

2009-08-07 Thread Christopher Wilson
+1 on ".car" here too. Plus, I imagine the icon to be a 1950's-era muscle car; a nod to Lisp's age. On Fri, Aug 7, 2009 at 8:13 AM, Justin Johnson wrote: >> car: "Clojure Archive"  (half-assed pun on Lisp's car, plus you can >> imagine the icon!) > > +1 > > > > -- Chris Wilson --~--~---

Re: Ant build.xml snippet: compile

2009-07-22 Thread Christopher Wilson
Sorry if this is a bit OT, but has anyone created an ant or maven jar task (maven: is 'goal' the correct term)? In the few jars that I've created I've AOT compiled my .clj files and hand-created the jar file. The way that I do this is compile to the default clojure "classes" directory, I then pull

Re: jar handling

2009-06-21 Thread Christopher Wilson
In Java 6 you can do a wildcard for jar files in a directory: java -cp /opt/jars/*:. clojure.main this will find all the jar files in /opt/jars/ and put them on the classpath. On Sun, Jun 21, 2009 at 9:10 PM, Wilson MacGyver wrote: > > Hi, > > Does clojure have any way to handle jar loading wit

Re: Weird Issue Reading Socket

2009-06-01 Thread Christopher Wilson
I don't know how relevant this is to what you're trying to do, but I've recently written something that sounds like what you're doing. My approach was to always send the size of the file (this involves sending chunks of a file around) to the server before sending the file. Since read() will block

Clojure and VisualVM

2009-05-28 Thread Christopher Wilson
I found an interesting article on Hacker News: "The Best Kept Secret in the JDK: VisualVM" and the article here: I fired it up and in no time at all, was profiling some clojure code. Definitely

Re: compilation and classpath

2009-05-22 Thread Christopher Wilson
You probably need to set (and create!) the correct compilation (output) directory. This defaults to a "classes" directory as a subdirectory of your current working directory. So if you had: test/main.clj you'd need classes/ also make sure that this directory is on your classpath. I think this

Speed up network transfers?

2009-05-15 Thread Christopher Wilson
Hi there, I'm working on a project that involves transferring large files over the network (100+MB) and wondering what would work better. I'm newer to Java than I am to lisp, so I've just grabbed the most obvious things from the API that I thought could possibly work: (ns misc-ports (:import (

Re: Getting slime-edit-definition to work with Clojure

2009-04-29 Thread Christopher Wilson
Here's a .emacs snippet that works for me: ;; SLIME setup (clojure) (add-to-list 'load-path "~/.emacs.d/slime/") ; your SLIME directory (add-to-list 'load-path "~/.emacs.d/") ; clojure-mode.el is here (add-to-list 'load-path "~/.emacs.d/swank-clojure") ; swank-clojure directory (setq swank-cloju