Re: clojure streams

2014-09-04 Thread Chris Gill
There are some stream libraries that exist, though core.async channels could likely be used for most things stream related. I made one called kuroshio ( which solves some small trade offs I didn't want to make with other libraries, there is also lamina (htt

Re: Clojure, floats, ints and OpenGL

2013-10-19 Thread Chris Gill
... as well core.matrix supports normalise, which I just reali*z*ed since I am American English. haha On Saturday, October 19, 2013 8:05:47 AM UTC-4, Chris Gill wrote: > > I am in this boat as well, clojure + opengl, currently using lwjgl for > bindings and management. I am curious why

Re: Clojure, floats, ints and OpenGL

2013-10-19 Thread Chris Gill
I am in this boat as well, clojure + opengl, currently using lwjgl for bindings and management. I am curious why you need float support actually, what specific methods are you hoping to utilize this with? Currently I create float-arrays from the loaded mesh and build the VBOs and push that all

Re: [ANN] Counterclockwise - Clojure plugin for Eclipse

2013-10-17 Thread Chris Gill
wow this is really polished! really great how this is standalone, and so small! I enjoyed using CCW in eclipse, but this is even better :D great work Laurent! On Thursday, October 10, 2013 9:36:01 AM UTC-4, Laurent PETIT wrote: > > Hi, a new version of Counterclockwise, the Clojure plugin for t

Re: is intellij idea a good ide for clojure development?

2013-07-25 Thread Chris Gill
I find this interesting. I've been using light table mostly, but recently I tried my hand at socket programming and light table flopped on this type of a project. I ended up using lein repl for most of my work which became a pain and now I'm looking at emacs with a slight kink in my lips. I'll h

Re: merge nested maps

2013-07-17 Thread Chris Gill
Thank you for finding and posting this! Been wracking my brain trying to figure out a good way to do a full map merge On Thursday, April 25, 2013 5:26:53 PM UTC-4, Stuart Sierra wrote: > > Here's a way to do it from the Pedestal demo source > code