> Just curious, what is the name of the tree distance function and does it
> have a wikipedia page?
> Very, very cool!
> On May 22, 2012, at 12:36 AM, Arnoldo Muller wrote:
> Checkero finds common Clojure source code inside a set of directories. It
> is p
feedback are more than welcome!
Arnoldo Muller
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Joshua I used http://www.mnemosyne-proj.org/ when I was learning
Japanese and I experienced a dramatic improvement in my retention
To give you and idea I learned 1000 Chinese characters (Kanji) and
about 4000 words in one year. I spent around 40 minutes per day only.
On Jan 3, 4:45
Please add me to the core.logic, Heroku drinkup and Jamming with
On Oct 25, 6:11 pm, Fogus wrote:
> All,
> We talked about the possibility of getting some ideas about
> extracurricular activities during the Conj days (and possibly training
> days). I've created a spr
Have you considered sorting different permutations of your strings and
then perform binary search on them?
This paper talks about the technique:
On May 30, 9:55 pm, joshua-choi wrote:
> Let's say that I have a set of strings, each three English le
I am trying to compile a project with lein. The program source files
can be interpreted successfully (using swank-clojure) but when I try
to do "lein compile" or "lein jar" I get:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ClassCastException:
clojure.lang.PersistentVector cannot be cast to cloju