odd and even should be odd? and even?
Thanks for creating this. Most useful.
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Note that pos
This is so trivial from a technical standpoint I'm embarrassed to
mention it. The REPL is accepting more than one sexp on a line and
then generating output for all of them in an unusual fashion. In the
following, all text after the first line is generated by clojure
(except for the comment, of co
into Maven now, but it looks
like I'll have to bite the bullet.
Thanks again.
On Jul 14, 9:15 am, "Daniel E. Renfer" wrote:
> On Tue, 2009-07-14 at 06:58 -0700, AlamedaMike wrote:
> > Stefan, Meikel,
> > Thanks much for this. It looks very interesting.
There is a Google group for Enclojure at:
You might try there, as they have discussed similar issues recently.
On Jul 13, 6:49 pm, bruceq wrote:
> I am having problems getting Enclojure to work properly on Netbeans
> 6.7 and also trying 6.5
Stefan, Meikel,
Thanks much for this. It looks very interesting.
Forgive a newb question but I just downloaded Maven for the first time
30 minutes ago. I read the "Maven in 5 minutes" doc, and executed:
mvn archetype:create -DgroupId=org.clojure -DartifactId=clojure
followed by:
mvn package
Thanks for contributing this. It will definitely shorten my learning
curve with Mig.
On May 31, 12:49 am, "Stephen C. Gilardi" wrote:
> MiGLayout is a nice layout manager that works with Swing.
> clojure.contrib.miglayout provides a Clojure interface for it.
> I've enhanced clojure.contrib.
+1 for showing the Ant demo and modifying it while it's running.
Emphasize how easy it is to get RELIABLE concurrency using agents/STM.
As Steve Jobs has long known, eye candy counts, and Ants is an eye
candy way of seeing concurrency in action.
I would also keep a second REPL open and "test" out
Congratulations, Rich! And thanks for all your hard work. Having a 1.0
release out to help adoption in the workplace environments that we
need to get into.
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"Clojure" gr
Congratulations, Rich! And thanks for all your hard work. Having a 1.0
release ought to help adoption in the workplace environments that we
need to get into.
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"Clojure" g
>> I can see a lot of technologies that drive the open source world, and this
>> group, being compromised
Nothing's going to happen, for the simple reason that the cost to
Oracle's reputation would far outweigh anything they might gain from
charging for open-source products. The ultimate effect
>> It's very good question, and to be honest I don't know exact question for
it. I may imagine both cases from Clojure to Java and vise versa.
first variant default I was followed by one letter I had received. It
about some project written in IDEA, where Clojure is used for core
>> So, we're going to implement it in near-term future.
Thanks Ilya! I (and I'm sure others) will look forward to it.
>> It seems to be a good tactics to compile all files with namespaces
labeled by :gen-class to the same output path as vanilla java classes
before compiling Java part (to allow t
Hi Ilya,
I would like to use the IntelliJ IDEA to create a GUI in the forms
designer and then code the rest of the app in Clojure. I would like
both Java and Clojure code to be registered in a single project and
compiled together. If you can do that, you've got yourself another
sale. Can you tell
Check out:
The next meeting is March 12th.
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"Clojure" group.
To post to this
Thanks for the quick response Itay.
>> Thus, the workaround is this: highlight only the "Math" part and then choose
>> Reflect.
Yup! Very nice feature.
A few further suggestions, if you're in the mood:
* a separate REPL tab would be very useful and save me from having to
enter code into the f
Thanks for this Itay.Very sweet. I've been running it against the
Dec. 17th download and it works fine on Vista SP1. I'm particularly
impressed with the quality of the error messages.
A few suggestions / questions:
* there's a lot of whitespace to the right even when I don't have the
window max
Fantastic news, David. This should help the spread of Clojure.
Although I like "Bonjure" as a name, and even though two syllable
names are generally considered best by marketers, I think ClojureCLR
is best for branding purposes. It helps spread the Clojure meme and it
linguistically supports the
At http://clojure.org/api#drop-last, the formal parameter "s" needs to
be changed to "coll":
(drop-last s)
(drop-last n s)
Return a lazy seq of all but the last n (default 1) items in coll
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Thanks much. Very useful and surprisingly simple.
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I want to install clojure-dev on Eclipse but I'm getting an error when
I use Eclipse's software update feature.
"Cannot complete the request. See the details.
Unsatisfied dependency: [clojuredev.feature.feature.group 0.0.18]
requiredCapability: org.eclipse.equinox.p2.iu/org.antlr.runtime/3.0.0"
Vlad, thanks for updating the guide. I've saved the new version.
Tim, thanks for the ideas. I've tried both and both work well.
It did get me thinking that it would be great to have a way to
interrogate an open gui app from the command line, or perhaps, from a
separate area in the app itself (s
>> The quote symbol rendered is not copy+paste friendly.
The quote problem can be fixed by using:
(import (quote (gui2 MainFrame)))etc...
instead of using the single quote mark.
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Michael, Timothy,
Thanks much to both of you.
>> 2) The current directory (parent of gui2) is in the class-path -cp
option when launching Clojure
The problem was that I had used the gui directory in the classpath,
rather than its parent. (The real problem is that I'm a Java noobie.)
The frame
I'm having a problem that shows as:
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: gui2.MainFrame
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: gui2.MainFrame
at java.net.URLClassLoader$1.run(Unknown Source)
at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
at java.net.URLClassLoader.f
I'm having a problem that appears tied to this aspect of the guide
(written for Linux):
>> Before continuing, symlink build/classes/gui into the test-project directory
>> (note, there is a “.” as the last character in the 2nd command):
cd ~/test-project
ln -s build/classes/gui/ . // no
As it happens, I just downloaded NetBeans a few hours ago to start
working on this very issue. Thanks for saving me the trouble!
Also, Nokia has just changed the licensing of Qt Jambi so that LGPL
can be used. My sense is that Qt looks nicer than Swing, though I'd be
happy to hear if otherwise if
I would find it useful. Given the number of posts on this group
concerning editor setups, I'd say that a lot of others would as well.
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Alameda (an island in San Francisco Bay), California, USA
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Thanks for a great language, Rich. Here's to broad acceptance!
On Oct 17, 12:09 am, Paul Drummond
> Congratulations Rich!
> I remember when Clojure was first announced (it doesn't feel like a
> year ago!) it was like a breath of fresh air! It was during a time
user=> (defn foo [ {:keys [a b] :or {c 5}} ]
(list a b))
Note that the key of the default entry for "c" is not in the formal
parameter list.
user=> (foo 7)
(nil nil)
user=> (foo {:a 3 :b 4})
(3 4)
user=> (foo {:a 3 :c 4})
(3 nil)
The second is of cours
Hangs for me with Java 1.6.0_06 on Vista.
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Great minds think alike. ;-) I just left a post on Rich's poll
(comment #33) much to this effect.
> The most important purpose
> of the book would be give people confidence in Clojure.
yes, because the language can then be seen to clearly hang together as
a whole, rather than just as a random as
> Getting things done is cool.
Yup. I've been programming for 30+ years and I've gotten too old and
too cranky to tolerate a lot of bullsh*t, high ceremony, and wheel
I had high hopes for Paul Graham's Arc, but his goals are more
rarified. So despite my great respect for his ideas,
> Lisp is cool. Having a language
> that's like lisp and has access to all of Java, but has more libs than
> lisp and that's more dynamic than java is *way* cool.
> --Chouser
To which I can only add: And having a language that also handles side-
effects and thread interaction well is *extremel
> Getting things done is cool.
One other point. Getting things done in Clojure and getting paid for
it is cool. One of the things I like about clojure is that its easy
interface to java dramatically increases its chances of industry
acceptance. New technologies, to be accepted, must solve a FELT
This article: http://blog.headius.com/2008/09/elephant.html
by one of JRuby's core developers might be of interest to Clojure-
minded people (CMPs -- a name I'd like to propose for members of our
little niche of the world). He discusses the guff that JRuby has been
getting from the CRuby folks. T
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