That ship done sailed already today... many Contrib libs hit 1.0.0 (or
1.0.x) and most of the rest will follow suit in the next several days I
I certainly plan to bump tools.cli and, with Fogus' help, core.cache and
core.memoize to 1.0.0. java.jdbc will likely remain at 0.7.11 since its
Dear August Forum: Today I noticed a new post on "Inside Clojure" , which says, after some
thoughtful justification, "we have lots of libraries in the Clojure
ecosystem that have been around for many years, are widely used, have
stable APIs, an
Hello! After more than 3 years in the making, I am proud to announce the
release of Skyscraper 0.3.0, a scraping framework that helps you build
structured dumps of whole websites.
Major improvements in 0.3.0:
- Skyscraper has been rewritten from
There is no public repo for it, but the source is in the jar.
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Sorry what I meant was _where_ is it. I've never heard of it, there's
obviously several open source Clojure ecosystem http clients (and obviously
several more standard Java clients) and I can't find a repo anywhere.
On Fri, Feb 14, 2020 at 2:12 PM David Chelimsky
> That should be com.cogn