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Just this week I have wished for an extended version of `assoc-in`
more than once. The reason is convenience, e.g. in the context of a
ring middleware:
(assoc-in response
[:headers "Location"] "/homepage"
[:session :user-id] user-id)
Extending `assoc-in` would also achieve parity with `asso
I should mention that a half step is to spec the dispatch function used by the
multimethod. That covers the front-end.
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There are several kinds of functions that can't currently be spec'ed
(primitive, interned, maybe protocol fns?, multi methods). Some of those will
ultimately be fixed, some (interned) will probably not.
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Am I right to think you can't currently fdef a defmulti function? I tried
and when running tests using clojure.spec.test/instrument I see:
1. Unhandled java.lang.ClassCastException
clojure.spec.test$spec_checking_fn$fn__12959 cannot be cast to