Re: [ClojureScript] Re: ANN: ClojureScript 1.9.198 - cljs.spec, core ns aliasing, macro inference, :rename, and more!

2016-08-13 Thread David Nolen
Thanks for the report. This has already been fixed in master and I'll cut another release on Monday which include this and several other fixes. On Sat, Aug 13, 2016 at 9:42 AM, yong gou wrote: > sorry my English is poor, but need help, thanks ^_^ > after updated to 1.9.189 , I wrote this: > (req

Re: Multiple key-value pairs in assoc-in (old issue)

2016-08-13 Thread Andy Fingerhut
That ticket is in a state called "Triaged", which means that a screener (most likely Alex Miller) thinks the issue is good enough for Rich Hickey to take a look at it some time. Rich probably hasn't looked at it yet, because if he had, it would have likely been changed to Declined or Vetted. As f

Re: grouping and mapping

2016-08-13 Thread Simon Belak
Another option (and shameless self promotion) is the rollup family of functions in Your case would be: (rollup first identity second foos) => {:a ("foo" "baz"), :b ("bar")} On Friday, August 12, 2016 at 7:10:37 PM UTC+2, Erik Assum wrote: > > I’ve been working on

Multiple key-value pairs in assoc-in (old issue)

2016-08-13 Thread Łukasz Kożuchowski
Hello, Currently assoc-in does not support multiple key-value pairs the way assoc does. user=> (assoc {} :a 1 :b 2) {:b 2, :a 1} user=> (assoc-in {} [:a :b] 1 [:c :d] 2) ArityException Wrong number of args (5) passed to: core$assoc-in clojure.lang.AFn.throwArity ( It appears a

Re: ANN: ClojureScript 1.9.198 - cljs.spec, core ns aliasing, macro inference, :rename, and more!

2016-08-13 Thread Zubair Quraishi
I don't know what you did but upgrading from cljs .89 to .198 on a fairly largish app and it seems to run over twice as fast Welldone, whatever it was that did it!!! :) On Friday, August 12, 2016 at 9:50:20 PM UTC+2, David Nolen wrote: > ClojureScript, the Clojure compiler that emits JavaSc

Re: Digest for - 17 updates in 6 topics

2016-08-13 Thread Han Tuzun
On Tue, Aug 9, 2016 at 02:29 wrote: > > > Google > Groups > >