Re: [ANN] Neanderthal 0.6.0: new support for AMD, Nvidia, and Intel GPUs on Linux, Windows and OS X (fast matrix library)

2016-07-06 Thread Dragan Djuric
Neanderthal 0.7.0 released: Nvidia, AMD, and Intel GPU on LInux, Windows, and OS X #Clojure #GPU #GPGPU On Monday, May 23, 2016 at 9:57:00 PM UTC+2, Dragan Djuric wrote: > > This is a major release of Neanderthal, a fast native & GPU matrix libra

Re: Can't extract multipart-params from POST request in compojure

2016-07-06 Thread aaarturozhao
You are right! I didn't set the boundary in my client code. Thanks a lot! 在 2016年7月7日星期四 UTC+8下午12:46:04,James Reeves写道: > > By "application" I mean "Ring handler". > > Your request looks wrong. The boundary you set in your header > (--BoUnDaRyFF) doesn't match the boundary I see in the b

Re: Can't extract multipart-params from POST request in compojure

2016-07-06 Thread James Reeves
By "application" I mean "Ring handler". Your request looks wrong. The boundary you set in your header (--BoUnDaRyFF) doesn't match the boundary I see in the body (--2n639DJeu...). - James On 7 July 2016 at 05:29, wrote: > The request header: > > > >

Re: Can't extract multipart-params from POST request in compojure

2016-07-06 Thread aaarturozhao
The request header: The request body:

Re: Can't extract multipart-params from POST request in compojure

2016-07-06 Thread James Reeves
In all your examples except for possibly the last, you have the multipart middleware added twice over to your application. Also, are you sure it's not a problem with your client code? One thing to try is recording your HTTP request by pointing your client at a netcat listener (e.g. "nc -l 3000").

Re: Can't extract multipart-params from POST request in compojure

2016-07-06 Thread aaarturozhao
This is the link to the question in stackoverflow: 在 2016年7月7日星期四 UTC+8上午10:13:25,aaartu...@gmail.com写道: > > When I try to extract the multipart-params from a POST request like this: > > (defro

Can't extract multipart-params from POST request in compojure

2016-07-06 Thread aaarturozhao
When I try to extract the multipart-params from a POST request like this: (defroutes upload-routes (POST "/upload" {params :params} (println params)) I got {}. Then I tried like this: (defroutes upload-routes (POST "/upload" {multipart-params :multipart-params} (println multipart-params))

Re: Get Lein to run 32-bit JVM on Windows

2016-07-06 Thread JvJ
My solution was to dual-boot linux. I think it's about time anyway. On Tuesday, 5 July 2016 12:17:02 UTC-7, JvJ wrote: > > I think when I wrote LEIN_CMD, I meant LEIN_JAVA_CMD. I've already set it > to the x86 JVM path, with no luck so far. > > (System/getProperty "os.arch") still returns "amd6

Re: [ANN] akar 0.1.0

2016-07-06 Thread Nahuel Greco
Hi Rahul, Akar seems very nice! It works in Clojurescript? Saludos, Nahuel Greco. On Tue, Jul 5, 2016 at 11:38 AM, Rahul Goma Phulore <> wrote: > Hi, all. > > I am quite excited to announce my project Akar – > It's a pattern matc

Re: [ANN] Clojure 1.9.0-alpha9

2016-07-06 Thread Alex Miller
There will soon be a spec for let that will fail in this circumstance, letting you know. On Wednesday, July 6, 2016 at 7:42:22 AM UTC-5, Leon Grapenthin wrote: > > 1.9 could still support the behavior that worked in 1.8 and in CLJS, too, > or throw a compile time Exception. > > If we had known

Re: [ANN] Clojure 1.9.0-alpha9

2016-07-06 Thread Leon Grapenthin
1.9 could still support the behavior that worked in 1.8 and in CLJS, too, or throw a compile time Exception. If we had known this change in behavior, fixing it in the codebase wouldn't have been much trouble. But a missing default can lead to errors far away so it takes time to get to the grou

Re: [ANN] Clojure 1.9.0-alpha9

2016-07-06 Thread Alex Miller
This *is* different than 1.8 (and prior) because it has been buggy since namespaced keys were added (due to a lack of tests - entirely my fault). Nothing was ever documented about this behavior - it was purely accidental and I would consider it in the realm of "unspecified". In 1.9 I added addi

Re: [ANN] Clojure 1.9.0-alpha9

2016-07-06 Thread Nicola Mometto
I'd say that's a bug with 1.8 rather than 1.9 > On 6 Jul 2016, at 13:01, Leon Grapenthin wrote: > > @Alex Miller: Please reconsider. What you state does not apply to 1.8, i. e. > the ns is required in :or and such code is broken in 1.9 > > 1.8/1.9 differences: > (let [{:keys [a/b] :or {b 42}}

Re: [ANN] Clojure 1.9.0-alpha9

2016-07-06 Thread Leon Grapenthin
@Alex Miller: Please reconsider. What you state does not apply to 1.8, i. e. the ns is required in :or and such code is broken in 1.9 1.8/1.9 differences: (let [{:keys [a/b] :or {b 42}} {}] b) => 1.8: nil 1.9: 42(let [{:keys [a/b] :or {a/b 42}} {}] b) => 1.8: 42 1.9: nil On Wednesday, J

Re: [ANN] Clojure 1.9.0-alpha9

2016-07-06 Thread Alex Miller
Thanks! If I could trouble you to make a jira for that, would love to get it fixed. > On Jul 6, 2016, at 4:09 AM, Leon Grapenthin wrote: > > Small bug report > > Throwable->map in core_print.clj doesn't handle Throwable.getCause returning > null in L463. This results in a NPE in StrackTraceEl

Re: [ANN] Clojure 1.9.0-alpha9

2016-07-06 Thread Alex Miller
This is the correct behavior. The :or map keys are always the local names being bound (not the keys being looked up in the map). > On Jul 6, 2016, at 4:40 AM, Leon Grapenthin wrote: > > Another small bug report: > > (let [{:keys [a/b] :or {a/b 42}} {}] > b) > > Evaluates to nil, but should

Re: [ANN] Clojure 1.9.0-alpha9

2016-07-06 Thread Leon Grapenthin
Another small bug report: (let [{:keys [a/b] :or {a/b 42}} {}] b) Evaluates to nil, but should evaluate to 42 (let [{:keys [a/b] :or {b 42}} {}] b) Evaluates to 42, but should evaluate to nil. On Tuesday, July 5, 2016 at 9:50:47 PM UTC+2, Alex Miller wrote: > > Clojure 1.9.0-alpha9 is n

Re: [ANN] Clojure 1.9.0-alpha9

2016-07-06 Thread Leon Grapenthin
Small bug report Throwable->map in core_print.clj doesn't handle Throwable.getCause returning null in L463. This results in a NPE in StrackTraceElement->vec in the same file in some cases, so printing a stacktrace results in a new Exception which is a bit confusing. On Tuesday, July 5, 2016 at

Re: Get Lein to run 32-bit JVM on Windows

2016-07-06 Thread Niels van Klaveren
If system/getProperty "os.arch" says it's 64 bits, it means the processor is a 64 bits compatible processor, not that the Java process is 64 or 32 bits. If you want to see what the JVM data model is you need to use (System/getPropery "") and see what it returns (either "32"