Re: clojure.spec explain feedback

2016-06-27 Thread Brent Millare
Thanks for the predicates. What does the integer numbers within In: [[2015 6 31] 1 :chinups 1 0] after the keywords and also the integers within at: [1 1 :duration] correspond to? It appears, you designate an index/id to each key of a map for "In:" but I have no idea how to line up "At:". On Mon

Re: Joy of Clojure : Backward running lisp ??

2016-06-27 Thread Scott Nielsen
On Wednesday, June 22, 2016 at 8:22:35 PM UTC-6, Ashish Negi wrote: > > I am reading joy of clojure. In the "forward to second edition" William E > Byrd and Daniel P Firedman says : > > > > *As with recursion, the art of defining little languages encourages—and > rewards—wishful thinking. You m

Re: [ANN] walmartlabs/datascope 0.1.0

2016-06-27 Thread Christopher Small
Well done! This looks awesome. Can't wait to try it! Chris On Monday, June 27, 2016 at 10:57:56 AM UTC-7, Howard M. Lewis Ship wrote: > > > A library that can be used to render typical Clojure data structures using > Graphviz. > > > > -- > Howard M. L

Re: clojure.spec explain feedback

2016-06-27 Thread Alex Miller
There have been a lot of changes in map-of and coll-of for the next alpha, in particular map-of and coll-of now conform all elements, which changes what has been surprising behavior to many people both during conforming and explain due to sampling (which has moved to the new every and every-kv).

Re: clojure.spec explain feedback

2016-06-27 Thread Chris Price
On Monday, June 27, 2016 at 12:45:07 PM UTC-7, Brent Millare wrote: > > I'm playing with clojure.spec (alpha7) to validate a data structure > storing information about workout history using the following code: > > > The problem is that when using s/explain on an invalid input where the > err

clojure.spec explain feedback

2016-06-27 Thread Brent Millare
I'm playing with clojure.spec (alpha7) to validate a data structure storing information about workout history using the following code: (ns v.scratch.lift-tracker (:require [clojure.spec :as s])) (defrecord duration [hours minutes seconds]) (defrecord rep_scheme [weight repetitions]) (s/def :

Re: Joy of Clojure : Backward running lisp ??

2016-06-27 Thread Nathan Davis
One common problem we deal with in programming goes like this: I have certain inputs. I desire a certain output. What function (or combination of functions) will give me the desired output? Since a relation makes no distinction between "inputs" and "outputs", relational programming is one way

[ANN] walmartlabs/datascope 0.1.0

2016-06-27 Thread Howard Lewis Ship
A library that can be used to render typical Clojure data structures using Graphviz. -- Howard M. Lewis Ship Senior Mobile Developer at Walmart Labs Creator of Apache Tapestry (971) 678-5210 @hlship -- You received this mes

[ANN] walmartlabs/active-status 0.1.7

2016-06-27 Thread Howard Lewis Ship
An update-in-place status board for asynchronous processes inside your Clojure command line application. It is now easier to customize how job progress is reported, even on a per-job basis. The tput function is now part of the public API. -- Howard