So I looked at generating specs for tests and I hit an error I just dont
understand / neither can fix it. This is my code:
(s/def ::column-types #{:int :varchar :boolean :text :time :date
:char :binary :smallint :bigint :decimal
:float :double
Hi Gordon,
I ran into this earlier too. It's because s/def is a macro and needs access
to [::foo ::bar] at compile time, whereas 'ks' is only def'd at runtime. At
least that's how I understand it!
On Monday, 30 May 2016 05:14:18 UTC+10, Gordon Stratton wrote:
> Hi all,
> clojure.
Yes, I go by `(dorun (map ...` currently .
I was reading [1] and got the impression that run! is to be preferred, but
it seems it's not a full replacement.
[1] https://stuartsierra.com/2015/08/25/clojure-donts-lazy-effects
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run is a high performance version of (dorun (map ...)), implemented via
reduce which also doesn't support a variadic fn. Probably (dorun (map ...))
is what you are looking for?
On Sunday, May 29, 2016 at 10:27:54 PM UTC+2, Claudius Nicolae wrote:
> run! can eagerly map a function over a coll.
Have you considered (concat coll1 coll2)?
On Sunday, May 29, 2016 at 10:27:54 PM UTC+2, Claudius Nicolae wrote:
> run! can eagerly map a function over a coll.
> I think it would be nice to support multiple collections, making it an
> eager version of map.
> My particular use case is running a
run! can eagerly map a function over a coll.
I think it would be nice to support multiple collections, making it an
eager version of map.
My particular use case is running a test over two colls.
(defn check [m1 m2]
(is (almost= (:x m1) (:x m2)))
(is (= (:y m1) (:y m2
Also give boot-react-native a try
(https://github.com/mjmeintjes/boot-react-native). It's a admittedly
bit rough to get started, but when set up offers a powerful
interactive working environment.
On Sun, May 29, 2016 at 4:12 PM, Mark Stang wrote:
> Well, Re-natal seems to build and run. I am sti
Hi all,
clojure.spec/keys is documented to accept vectors for :req, :req-un,
etc. Shouldn't that also work if such a vector is previously bound?
Clojure 1.9.0-alpha3
user=> (require '[clojure.spec :as s])
user=> (def ks [::foo ::bar])
user=> (s/def ::foospec (s/keys :req
Whenever I do a defprotocol in the clojurescript repl, even a trivial one
(defprotocol IFoo
(foo [this]))
it fails with an error `Can't change/establish root binding of:
*unchecked-if* with set at line 1 '.
Everything else seems to work as expected.
When compiled outside the repl, such
Whenever I do a defprotocol in the clojurescript repl, even a trivial one
(defprotocol IFoo
(foo [this]))
it fails with an error `Can't change/establish root binding of:
*unchecked-if* with set at line 1 '.
Everything else seems to work as expected.
When compiled outside the repl, such
Well, Re-natal seems to build and run. I am still going through the
exercises in the README.
On Sat, May 28, 2016 at 7:16 PM, Mark Stang wrote:
> Has anyone gotten it to work lately by building it from scratch? And by
> from scratch, I mean using the instructions on cljsrn.org?
> The natal h
Thanks Brian, nice idea :)
I also added load/save functionality from the atom when reloading the
environment in development.
On Sunday, May 29, 2016 at 2:57:56 PM UTC+3, Brian Platz wrote:
> In a web-app you probably want the thread safety an atom provides, so it
> would be a good choice.
In a web-app you probably want the thread safety an atom provides, so it
would be a good choice.
You can include a reference to your atom in your system config if you want
to retain the reloaded-like / dependency injection pattern:
(def changing-config (atom {}))
;; system-map
(def sys-map
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