Re: Attempt At Futures

2016-04-08 Thread Kevin Downey
The thing to remember is map is lazy, so you are lazily (on demand) creating a bunch of futures. Then doseq walks through those futures, demanding one at a time. You deref the future immediately after doseq requested it from the lazy-seq and are blocking on its completion then doseq can move on to

Attempt At Futures

2016-04-08 Thread Chris White
Spoiler alert: I'm really really new to this language so don't expect quality code In an attempt to see how futures work I'm trying to make code that does the following: 1. Take a list of sites 2. Loop through the sites and retrieve the HEAD content via a future for each individual si

Re: [core.logic] What's the difference between "q" and a fresh LVar? Or: "java.lang.ClassCastException: clojure.core.logic.LVar cannot be cast to java.lang.Number"

2016-04-08 Thread Kevin Downey
Hard to say, the class cast exception will have more information in it that could cast light on the issue. You also are using :id in one variation, and :db/id in the other. On 04/08/2016 05:46 PM, Daniel Ziltener wrote: > Hi clj, > > I'm trying to do some simple core.logic stuff. My input is a ve

Re: [ANN] Aleph 0.4.1

2016-04-08 Thread Alan Moore
This is *way* better than my suggestion... thanks Zach! Alan On Thursday, April 7, 2016 at 9:20:16 PM UTC-7, Zach Tellman wrote: > > This is considerably simpler than the suggestions in this thread, but I've > written a very basic statsd client and server in the literate examples: > http://alep

Re: leiningen dependency management

2016-04-08 Thread Daniel Ziltener
Hi Sven, When you're sure the project depending your library does also has a dependency on a third library, it's best to use the ":provided" profile, rather than declaring it in the :dev profile. In your case there are two possible solutions: 1. the dependency higher up wins. So if you declare

[core.logic] What's the difference between "q" and a fresh LVar? Or: "java.lang.ClassCastException: clojure.core.logic.LVar cannot be cast to java.lang.Number"

2016-04-08 Thread Daniel Ziltener
Hi clj, I'm trying to do some simple core.logic stuff. My input is a vector of maps, which I turn into a source for core.logic using (defn make-datamap-rel [datapile] (fn [q] (fn [a] (to-stream (map #(unify a % q) (flatten datapile)) Now I have written two variants for so

Re: leiningen dependency management

2016-04-08 Thread James Reeves
Include it as a dependency. Maven dependency resolution is rather strange, and Leiningen inherits this strangeness. Effectively what matters is how "close" the dependency is. So dependencies in your project file take precedence over the dependencies of your dependencies, and so forth. Maven does

leiningen dependency management

2016-04-08 Thread 'Sven Richter' via Clojure
Hi, I have a library A that I use in project B. Now, library A makes use of plumatics schema, as well as project B. I wonder what the best practice is here. Include schema in library A's dependencies? Or only declare a dev-dependency on schema in library A? If I declare a dev-dependency I req

Re: [ANN]

2016-04-08 Thread Brian Platz
>> This is also something that wouldn't be possible with Mount as this library seems to promote global state. As a recent switcher from Component to Mount, and without trying to change the thread's topic into a this vs. that -- I'll simply say that I don't believe any of these tools promote gl

Puzzle solving in Clojure

2016-04-08 Thread Olivier Scalbert
Hello everybody ! I just start learning Clojure and I am a complete newbie ! I have tried to solve this classical small puzzle with Clojure. Assign one digit from {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9} to each letter {o n e t h r l v w y} so that one + one + one + three + three + eleven = twenty Here i

Re: Pattern matching on lists

2016-04-08 Thread Andy-
That's described here: Use: [([1] :seq)] On Friday, April 8, 2016 at 2:37:37 PM UTC+2, Russell Wallace wrote: > > How do you do pattern matching on lists in Clojure? I've tried using > core.match but the examples all deal

Re: Advice getting started with concurrency and parallelism in Clojure

2016-04-08 Thread Johannes Staffans
I found the introductory talk on Claypoole pretty informative with regards to parallelism in Clojure in general: On Thursday, April 7, 2016 at 5:09:39 PM UTC+2, Mars0i wrote: > > Niels-- Ah, interesting. My uses of pmap haven't been I/O bound. I > d

Pattern matching on lists

2016-04-08 Thread Russell Wallace
How do you do pattern matching on lists in Clojure? I've tried using core.match but the examples all deal with vectors, and trying to specify a list in the apparently obvious ways gets an error message about invalid list syntax. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Go