Re: Running Clojure apps using less memory.

2016-03-28 Thread Jason Basanese
Thanks guys! Going through your various tips helped me get the memory usage down below the limit. Now things are running nicely. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Clojure" group. To post to this group, send email to Note that p

Re: ANN: ClojureScript 1.8.40

2016-03-28 Thread Rangel Spasov
No more warnings, thank you! : ) On Monday, March 28, 2016 at 5:19:26 AM UTC-7, David Nolen wrote: > > ClojureScript, the Clojure compiler that emits JavaScript source code. > > README and source code: > > Leiningen dependency information: > > [org.cloj

Re: Running Clojure apps using less memory.

2016-03-28 Thread Josh Tilles
Hi Jason, I have a hunch that you have more Java processes running than you need and/or are aware of. For example, by running your Clojure app via lein run -m clojureweb.core/serve, you have two Java processes: one for Leiningen, and a separate one (started by Leiningen) for your app. It’s unli

Re: Running Clojure apps using less memory.

2016-03-28 Thread Nando Breiter
If you want to get more deeply into JVM memory tuning, *perhaps* jClarity's Censum tool can help: It will run an analysis of your specific applications memory usage patterns and make suggestions how to configure the JVM for it. Aria Media Sagl +41 (0)76 303 4477

Re: [ANN] Predicat 0.2.2

2016-03-28 Thread Sébastien Bocq
Hi Adrian, thanks for the positive feedback. For Manifold, I think validation failures could simply be sent over a channel using the d/error! function. Ideally, failure messages are something users should be able to build on top of these frameworks/libraries and not something enforced with a hard d

Re: Running Clojure apps using less memory.

2016-03-28 Thread Gary Trakhman
I always work in a single process, REPL and server, there's no need to separate them out generally. You might have better luck with the G1 collector, in addition to JVM tuning. The G1 has the useful property of giving memory back to the OS when a GC is performed. Use the command-line flag: -XX:+U

[ANN] core.memoize 0.5.9

2016-03-28 Thread Alex Miller
core.memoize is a Clojure contrib library providing pluggable support for memoization with caches from core.cache. - README and source: - Leiningen dependency information: [org.clojure/core.memoize "0.5.9"] Changes in 0.5.9: - Bump core.cache

Re: Running Clojure apps using less memory.

2016-03-28 Thread Michael Willis
You can tune memory usage by passing parameters to the JVM: The sample leiningen project file has an example of how to pass parameters to the JVM: Hope tha

Re: Feedback on idiomatic API design

2016-03-28 Thread Johan Haleby
Thanks everyone for your input. I just wanted to say that I have an initial version of the library available at my github page if anyone is interested. On Sat, Mar 12, 2016 at 3:43 PM, Timothy Baldridge wrote: > "Idiomatic" is always a hard word to defi

[ANN] core.cache 0.6.5

2016-03-28 Thread Alex Miller
core.cache is a Clojure contrib library providing a cache protocol and implementations of several caching strategies. - README and source: - Leiningen dependency information: [org.clojure/core.cache "0.6.5"] Changes in 0.6.5: - Bump tools.priori

[ANN] Klipse 0.2.0 - a simple and elegant online cljs compiler and evaluator.

2016-03-28 Thread Yehonathan Sharvit
[ANN] Klipse 0.2.0 - a simple and elegant online cljs compiler and evaluator. The latest additions: 1. mobile support 2. `js_only` and `eval_only` mode 3. share your KLIPSE: embed your code in `cljs_in` url parameter All the details here:

ANN: ClojureScript 1.8.40

2016-03-28 Thread David Nolen
ClojureScript, the Clojure compiler that emits JavaScript source code. README and source code: Leiningen dependency information: [org.clojure/clojurescript "1.8.40"] This release addresses some minor unintentional interactions with 3rd party ClojureS

Running Clojure apps using less memory.

2016-03-28 Thread Jason Basanese
Hello all! I'm new to this forum. My name Is Jason Basanese and I am a relatively new clojurist. I recently began hosting my first small full stack Clojure web app. While doing this I ran into memory problems with my admittedly small load server. The maximum it can take in temp memory is 741MB.