Re: finding optimal pairs/triplets

2015-10-06 Thread Kurt Sys
Allright, makes sense... I must have mist the 'integer only' for all expressions (including $nth). Using 'map' seems to be doing what I expect (at first sight). Thx! Op woensdag 7 oktober 2015 05:50:37 UTC+2 schreef Alex Engelberg: > > Loco's constraints and expressions only work on integers,

Re: No recent activity for core.async?

2015-10-06 Thread Yehonathan Sharvit
@Alex When is the next version of core.async expected? On Saturday, 3 October 2015 03:50:14 UTC+3, Daniel Compton wrote: > > If core.async is going to get out of alpha in the next version, does it > also make sense to rationalize the namespaces so that both Clojure and > ClojureScript use clojur

Re: [ANN] Shrubbery 0.3.0, a stubbing, spying, and mocking library for Clojure protocols

2015-10-06 Thread Brian Guthrie
On Tue, Oct 6, 2015 at 6:16 AM, Atamert Ölçgen wrote: > It would be great if multiple return values for multiple calls were > supported. First use case it something like an iteration, calling some > protocol method repeatedly (possibly with different inputs). Another use > case is just calling it

Re: finding optimal pairs/triplets

2015-10-06 Thread Mark Engelberg
Here is my Loco-based solution to the team-splitting problem: There is a whole art to building constraint programming models. I know the basics, but I'm not an expert, and your model sounds fairly complicated. So I'm not sure I can answer all

Trying to understand Clojure/Java concurrency performance?

2015-10-06 Thread Nick Pavlica
Dear Clojure/Java Experts, Earlier today I posted a question to the Immutant google group asking them a question about large numbers of concurrent websocket connections and their server. A member of the group kindly responded with a link (

Re: finding optimal pairs/triplets

2015-10-06 Thread Alex Engelberg
Loco's constraints and expressions only work on integers, so unfortunately $nth can't handle maps in a list. $nth takes either a list of Loco expressions or a list of integers. To get the nth player level, you could try: ($nth (map :level players) [:p 0 0]) Also, I should mention that all Loco

Re: Smallest Heroku slug size?

2015-10-06 Thread Joe Kutner
The slug will also include the JDK, which is ~50mb compressed. It is possible to exclude the JDK and use the cedar-14 stack's JVM, which is currently openjdk7 because that's what Canonical supports. But then you don't get the all the goodness of Java 8, which is probably better for your app tha

memoize + defonce : macro and line numbers in ClojureScript

2015-10-06 Thread Eivind Magnus Hvidevold
I have my working macro "with-memoized-def" in . I am using it in . The problem is that when an error happens in scene.cljs after use of th

Re: Library suggestions requested for

2015-10-06 Thread Nathan Davis
pulley.cps: On Monday, October 5, 2015 at 2:41:11 PM UTC-5, James Reeves wrote: > > If you've written or know about a Clojure or ClojureScript library, and > it's not already on , > I'd like t

Re: Library suggestions requested for

2015-10-06 Thread Nicolás Berger
{:name "ring-logger", :URL "";, :category "Logging"} On Mon, Oct 5, 2015 at 4:40 PM, James Reeves wrote: > If you've written or know about a Clojure or ClojureScript library, and it's > not already on, I'd like to hear about it. > > Post

aatree release 0.3.1 -- an alternative to Clojure sorted-map and vector

2015-10-06 Thread William la Forge
The aatree project provides an alternative to Clojure sorted-map and vector, with several extensions: - AAVector supports add/drop at any point using addn and dropn. - AAMap implements Reversible, Counted, Indexed and Sorted - CountedSequence implements Counted and do not use synchronized.

aatree release 0.3.1--bug fixes, examples

2015-10-06 Thread William la Forge
The aatree project provides an alternative to Clojure sorted-map and vector, with several extensions: - AAVector supports add/drop at any point using addn and dropn. - AAMap implements Reversible, Counted, Indexed and Sorted - CountedSequence implements Counted and do not use synchronized.

Re: Library suggestions requested for

2015-10-06 Thread William la Forge
aatree is ready to go. I fixed the bugs, released 0.3.1, and posted it to Clojars: ** {:name "aatree", :URL "";, :category "Data Structures"} On Monday, October 5, 2015 at 10:27:10 PM UTC-4, James Reeves wrote: > > On 6 October 201

Re: finding optimal pairs/triplets

2015-10-06 Thread Kurt Sys
So, the basic idea is to construct a matrix like this: spot1 spot2 spot3 team1 5 0 -1 team2 4 1 -1 ... With the 'spots' the spaces to fill in for each team. There are max 3 spots/team. If a spot is not used, -1 should be put. If it is used, I put the nu

Re: Clojure Dev Environment

2015-10-06 Thread Erlis Vidal
I think it will be very helpful to the Clojure community to have something done with Videos (screencasts) ... Clojure University? somewhere we can see how the more seasoned developers work. At least I won't have to discover by myself, I can copy the best guys.. I'll like to read whatever you write

Smallest Heroku slug size?

2015-10-06 Thread Robin Heggelund Hansen
A low heroku slug size is good for improving startup of heroku applications. Because of that I've spent some time lately trying to get as small a slug size as possible. I eventually found a plugin called lein-heroku, which allows you to just upload a single uberjar file. When the build system i

Re: [ANN] Shrubbery 0.3.0, a stubbing, spying, and mocking library for Clojure protocols

2015-10-06 Thread Atamert Ölçgen
This is awesome! I might have more useful feedback (and PRs) in the future, because I can see myself using this extensively. It would be great if multiple return values for multiple calls were supported. First use case it something like an iteration, calling some protocol method repeatedly (possi

finding optimal pairs/triplets

2015-10-06 Thread Kurt Sys
Reading the thread: generate al possible teams , I realized I was facing a slightly similar problem. Although many valuable suggestions were made, I'm very interested in one ma

Re: Library suggestions requested for

2015-10-06 Thread William la Forge
Ah, sorry it is not. And having just found a race condition, I am inclined not to. So lets just say I was premature. On Mon, Oct 5, 2015 at 10:26 PM, James Reeves wrote: > On 6 October 2015 at 01:15, William la Forge wrote: > >> {:name "aatree", >> :URL "";,

Re: Library suggestions requested for

2015-10-06 Thread Bobby Bobble
Instar would go under Data Transformation On Monday, October 5, 2015 at 8:41:11 PM UTC+1, James Reeves wrote: > > If you've written or know about a Clojure or ClojureScript library, and > it's not already on , >

Re: Clojure Dev Environment

2015-10-06 Thread Miguel Ping
Thanks guys! For me the ideal flow would be something that would allow me to save an incoming http req (I do mostly web dev) onto some variable/def, and replay it against some code I'm writing in the repl. Also I like to use step debuggers when I'm new to the language or lib, it allows me to go