Thanks Alan,
Rich is always great.
On Wednesday, July 15, 2015 at 12:51:10 AM UTC+6, Alan Thompson wrote:
> Hey, I just saw this video released:
> It is Rich, talking at JavaOne, and might be the best talk I've seen him
> deliver.
> Alan
You rec
Reducers can perform fewer allocations than lazy seqs, but that does not
automatically translate into a big speed difference, especially with your
trivial example.
Try comparing chained lazy seq ops (map, mapcat, filter, take, drop, etc) to an
equivalent chain of reducer calls: you may see a mo
Reducers and pmap have different approaches to concurrency.
pmap works a lot like map, except that instead of evaluating the seq one
item at a time, it spins up N threads which work on the next N items in
parallel. N is 2 + the number of CPU cores you have.
The reducers library works in a rather
I agree. I think it is an excellent talk. I've see pretty much all of his talks
and I think this is among the best.
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Note that posts from ne
I’ve been trying to better understand ways to increase the performance of
Clojure programs and I’ve run into an interesting issue with using the reducers
library. I’d love any help! The code I’m working on is at
Hi all,
I'm the GSoC student. Sorry for tuning in rather late. What you talk about
sounds all very familiar to me. Some comments below.
Am Mittwoch, 15. Juli 2015 03:40:26 UTC+9 schrieb Reid McKenzie:
> I'm also advising the GSoC documentation representation project, which is
> publicly v
Hey, I just saw this video released:
It is Rich, talking at JavaOne, and might be the best talk I've seen him
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While there's no frontend such as suchwow or thalia for installing
docstrings into a running Clojure instance, lib-grimoire [1] was literally
designed with this sharing of examples and docs in mind. There is a repo
[2] of all the examples and (markdown) notes in the Grimoire service, the
goal of wh
2015-07-13 18:50 GMT+02:00 Tim Gilbert :
> ...and in fact the only way I can get it to pass dependency checks is if I
> add a lot of :exclusions, up to and including org.slf4j/slf4j-api at which
> point it aborts with a runtime error "java.lang.ClassNotFoundExcep
Debux is a simple library for debugging Clojure and ClojureScript source
code. I wrote this library to debug my own Clojure(Script) souce code and
to analyze other developer's Clojure(Script) souce code.
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This does look good - I'll give it a whirl - thanks for the example :-)
On Monday, 13 July 2015 11:00:55 UTC+1, Jonathan Winandy wrote:
> To me it's a very good option.
> Given you example :
> (./pull '[org.clojure/core.logic "0.8.10"])
> (ns yo (:refer-clojure :exclude [==]) (:use
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