I think the easiest solution for me is to just use clj-http to get the
content of the "leaf" pages and then hit 'em with a regex. It's not pretty,
but, then again, neither is the tagsoup documentation.
On Saturday, February 14, 2015 at 1:03:23 PM UTC-5, Herwig Hochleitner
> Enlive by d
If you really care about performance then I would use a macro for code
generation and do something the following:
(defmacro appendfunc
([m keys sb]
(.append ~sb (~m ~(first keys)))
~@(for [k (next keys)]
(.append ~sb \,)
2015-02-14 20:21 GMT+01:00 Jony Hudson :
> Unless I'm mistaken, in the output you show:
> Exception ERROR: round [:high|:low|:normal] user/round
> (repl-startup.clj:30)
> "user/round" is the name of the function, as desired.
You are right: I was not looking correctly. :-(
In a way it
Basically same way you profile java, I usually use jvisualvm, if you feel
like shelling out for yourkit that can be nicer.
On Sat Feb 14 2015 at 11:23:12 AM Ivan L wrote:
> What is the best way to profile Clojure? I tried a reduce doto thing but
> it was way slowe than apply str. would love to
You can probably omit try and throw to achieve the same effect.
(let [ste# (aget (.getStackTrace (Exception.)))]
On Sunday, 15 February 2015 00:58:28 UTC+5:30, Shantanu Kumar wrote:
> See if you can put this to any use (implies no warranty) - applicable to
> the JVM only:
> (
See if you can put this to any use (implies no warranty) - applicable to
the JVM only:
(defmacro whereami
`(try (throw (Exception.))
(catch Exception e#
;; (.printStackTrace e#) ; uncomment this line to inspect stack
(let [ste# (aget (.getStackTrace e#) 0
This is outstanding. I experimented with a similar approach last summer, but
struggled with a couple of things. First was what to use for the event store.
I considered a few options, like using Datomic for that as well (I.e. annotate
transactions and treat the sequence of transactions
Clojure doesn't give you direct access to the name of the function you're
defining. However, you could use a macro to get that. Here’s one way. This
macro binds the strange symbol %0 to the symbol naming the current function.
;; %0 is bound to the function's symbolic name within the function
What is the best way to profile Clojure? I tried a reduce doto thing but it was
way slowe than apply str. would love to know why.
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Note that
Unless I'm mistaken, in the output you show:
Exception ERROR: round [:high|:low|:normal] user/round
"user/round" is the name of the function, as desired.
On Saturday, 14 February 2015 19:09:53 UTC, Cecil Westerhof wrote:
> 2015-02-14 20:03 GMT+01:00 Jony Huds
Well, one of the many reasons, that clojure is faster than bash is, that
during compilation, code is divorced from the original source symbols.
That means you can only access information about the original source that
you, or some library code you use, put in there for you.
Jony stated correctly,
2015-02-14 20:03 GMT+01:00 Jony Hudson :
> Ah, I see. I don't know how to do that. But, the function name should be
> in the stack trace associated with the exception. Is there a particular
> reason you also want to put it in the message?
Well if I enter in the REPL:
(round :dummy 12.4)
Ah, I see. I don't know how to do that. But, the function name should be in
the stack trace associated with the exception. Is there a particular reason
you also want to put it in the message?
On Saturday, 14 February 2015 18:45:12 UTC, Cecil Westerhof wrote:
> 2015-02-14 18:58 GMT+
2015-02-14 18:58 GMT+01:00 Jony Hudson :
> There might be a neater way, but
> (name (:name (meta (var reduce
> => "reduce"
That is not what I meant. I have the following function:
(defn round
([x] (round :normal x))
([mode x]
(let [fn (case mode
Good catch; Thanks for correcting me.
On Fri, Feb 13, 2015 at 11:57 PM, Lucas Bradstreet <
lucasbradstr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Just a small clarification: both Storm and Onyx both depend on Zookeeper. Onyx
> is masterless as of 0.5.0, however it still requires Zookeeper IN order to
> write an app
Enlive by default uses tagsoup to parse html and can also use jsoup, so I'd
start with parsing options for those. It can also be used with other
parsers, provided you can get them to generate clojure's xml map format.
2015-02-13 18:55 GMT+01:00 Sam Raker :
> I'm trying to parse some stuff with en
There might be a neater way, but
(name (:name (meta (var reduce
=> "reduce"
On Saturday, 14 February 2015 16:11:48 UTC, Cecil Westerhof wrote:
> In Bash I use the following construct:
> printf "${FUNCNAME} needs an expression\n"
> In this way I do not have to change the print
In Bash I use the following construct:
printf "${FUNCNAME} needs an expression\n"
In this way I do not have to change the print statement when the name of
the function changes. Is something like this also possible in clojure?
Cecil Westerhof
You received this message because you are
2015-02-14 12:33 GMT+01:00 Cecil Westerhof :
> 2015-02-11 8:32 GMT+01:00 Cecil Westerhof :
>> I needed a function to get the percentage as an int. Input is place and
>> total-count.
>> I want the normal definition (which is the default) and a high and low
>> variant.
>> I came up with th
2015-02-14 15:46 GMT+01:00 Jonathan Winandy :
> "Unable to resolve symbol: in this "
> I get this error when I have a non-breaking space in my code :
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Non-breaking_space
It was not a non-breaking space (those I see), but something like it, with
code #x200b. Af
"Unable to resolve symbol: in this "
I get this error when I have a non-breaking space in my code :
On Sat, Feb 14, 2015 at 3:21 PM, Matching Socks
> A Clojure fn is an Object, but Math's ceil method is not an Object. The
> Java-Int
A Clojure fn is an Object, but Math's ceil method is not an Object. The
Java-Interop notation for static methods, eg (Math/ceil...), papers over
this difference. If you want to manipulate something like Math/ceil as a
Clojure fn, you can wrap it in one such as your round-high.
2015-02-13 11:30 GMT+01:00 Jonathan Winandy :
> (defn to-mode-fn [mode]
> (if (keyword? mode)
> (case mode :highMath/ceil
>:low Math/floor
>:normal Math/round
> (throw (Exception. "ERROR: get-percentage [:high|:low|:normal]
> ")))
> mode))
2015-02-11 8:32 GMT+01:00 Cecil Westerhof :
> I needed a function to get the percentage as an int. Input is place and
> total-count.
> I want the normal definition (which is the default) and a high and low
> variant.
> I came up with the following code:
> (defn get-percentage
> ([pla
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...Annoyingly, almost all the time for my version is spent in protocol
dispatch, so there's probably a much faster way to do that.
On Sat Feb 14 2015 at 12:21:11 AM Michael Blume
> er, s/(comp val)/val
> On Sat Feb 14 2015 at 12:17:18 AM Michael Blume
> wrote:
>> For minimal change t
er, s/(comp val)/val
On Sat Feb 14 2015 at 12:17:18 AM Michael Blume
> For minimal change to the presented code, what about
> (defprotocol appendable (append-to [this ^StringBuilder sb]))
> (extend-protocol appendable
> String
> (append-to [this ^StringBuilder sb] (.append sb this
For minimal change to the presented code, what about
(defprotocol appendable (append-to [this ^StringBuilder sb]))
(extend-protocol appendable
(append-to [this ^StringBuilder sb] (.append sb this))
(append-to [this ^StringBuilder sb] (this sb))
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