ANN: finagle-clojure 0.2.0

2015-01-04 Thread Sam Neubardt
This release includes several exciting features like support for HTTP & ThriftMux: * Add support for finagle-http * Add support for finagle-thriftmux * Add helpers for working with scala.Option objects * New Scala interop helper tuple->vec, converts Scala Tuples to Clojure Vectors * Upgrade Finagl

Re: Clatrix Multiplication Matrix

2015-01-04 Thread Mikera
You have probably either hit a Clatrix bug or have some kind of version mismatch with core.matrix - could you file an issue with the exact version numbers you are using and code to reproduce: ? Note that "*" in clojure.core.matrix.operators is for element-w

Re: ANN: boltzmann 0.1.1 - a deep-learning library

2015-01-04 Thread Mike Anderson
Very cool stuff! I notice that you are specialising the RBM to a specific matrix implementation (Clatrix / JBlas) in the file "jblas.clj". Are you sure you need to do that? Part of the beauty of core.matrix is that you should be able to write your algorithms in an implementation-independent man

Re: ANN: boltzmann 0.1.1 - a deep-learning library

2015-01-04 Thread Sam Ritchie
Looks like it's here: Christopher Small January 4, 2015 at 6:45 PM Where is the repository? On Sunday, January 4, 2015 4:07:22 PM UTC-7, Christian Weilbach wrote: -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the

Re: ANN: boltzmann 0.1.1 - a deep-learning library

2015-01-04 Thread Christopher Small
Where is the repository? On Sunday, January 4, 2015 4:07:22 PM UTC-7, Christian Weilbach wrote: > > -BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- > Hash: SHA1 > > Hi all, > > - From the README: > > This library is supposed to implement Boltzmann Machines, Autoencoders > and related deep learning techno

Re: Creating Hiccup From Code Keeping Formatting and Comments

2015-01-04 Thread Thomas Heller
Oops, simplified a little. We already have access to the title. ;) On Monday, January 5, 2015 1:09:24 AM UTC+1, Thomas Heller wrote: > > Here is a crazy idea I had. > > > > Basically it slurps the .clj file of the current namespace, then looks

Re: Creating Hiccup From Code Keeping Formatting and Comments

2015-01-04 Thread Thomas Heller
Here is a crazy idea I had. Basically it slurps the .clj file of the current namespace, then looks at the form metadata to skip to the line where the (example ...) starts. It then takes the next row as the title, then reads all rows until it

Re: Creating Hiccup From Code Keeping Formatting and Comments

2015-01-04 Thread Sam Ritchie
Hey Stefan, I wrote something much like this for the Om-Bootstrap doc site at I ended up putting all code examples into their own files, then slurping those up. The fun thing about the code below is that each example is executable, and actually runs on the om-boots

ANN: boltzmann 0.1.1 - a deep-learning library

2015-01-04 Thread Christian Weilbach
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 Hi all, - From the README: This library is supposed to implement Boltzmann Machines, Autoencoders and related deep learning technologies. All implementations should both have a clean high-level mathematical implementation of their algorithms (with co

Re: The Essence of ClojureScript Redux

2015-01-04 Thread Shaun LeBron
Really exciting seeing the node repl becoming easier to use. (nice mies-generated readme too) I can see this being supported by cljsbuild as a default repl task, and the cljsbuild alias in the readme being used for "cljsbuild repl" without the need for the repl scripts in the project directory

Re: Recognising Clojure-generated classes

2015-01-04 Thread Andy Fingerhut
Possibly the most relevant Clojure ticket in JIRA related to your question is: If you click the "All" tab at the top of the comments, you can see a more full history of the changes made to the ticket's description over time. When it was originally created

Re: How to handle refactoring with TDD and mocking/stubbing

2015-01-04 Thread Brian Marick
Timothy Baldridge wrote: Stuff like with-redefs and providing muck with a developer's mental model of the source code. So instead of being able to say "well foo calls baz here, so this should work". They have to think "well foo calls baz unless someone re-deffs it, in which case I haven't a clue

Re: How to handle refactoring with TDD and mocking/stubbing

2015-01-04 Thread Brian Marick
Timothy Baldridge wrote: I assert that a simpler library, something that only provides deftest, assert and run-tests forces developers to think about the best way to test something, and to write their own macros (as patterns emerge) A not-unreasonable idea. Midje supports that by also running

Re: Creating Hiccup From Code Keeping Formatting and Comments

2015-01-04 Thread James Reeves
Macros don't have access to formatting. You either need to put it in a string, or reformat the form afterwards. - James On 4 January 2015 at 15:57, Stefan Kamphausen wrote: > Hi, > > > Currently, I am trying to write a presentation using ring and reveal.js. > For the code samples, I'd like to w

Re: Please critique my code (barber problem with core.async)

2015-01-04 Thread Udayakumar Rayala
Your code is simple and easy to understand but it would look to see if atoms can be removed. Also the use go/while loop makes your code not stop and hence atom like @running is required. This is my attempt to solve the problem. I started with your code as the base and refactored it. Following are

Recognising Clojure-generated classes

2015-01-04 Thread fabiot
Hi, is there a quick way of recognising Clojure-generated classes (including protocols and datatypes) without reading debug information, like some annotation or marker interface? I couldn't find any so far. I'm looking for this because I'd like to perform some instrumentation only Clojure-gene

Running ClojureScript REPLs without lein-cljsbuild or other 3rd party runners

2015-01-04 Thread David Nolen
The latest ClojureScript changes will break using cljsbuild and likely others as the ClojureScript REPL runner. However this is a good time to understand how to run REPLs directly without involving some other tool - David -- You receiv

Re: ANN: ClojureScript 0.0-2644, enhanced REPLs

2015-01-04 Thread David Nolen
Release 0.0-2665, mostly to fix various issues introduced with the REPL enhancements ### Changes * REPL -setup now must take opts * CLJS-916: Optimize use of js-arguments in array and variadic functions * special case `'cljs.core/unquote` * CLJS-945: Compile core with :static-fns true by default *

Re: The Essence of ClojureScript Redux

2015-01-04 Thread Brandon Bloom
Awesome! Seems like there is an opportunity for a cljs command line tool and some packaging gurus out there to package it up for brew, apt, etc. Would be super nice to have a quick repl by running `cljs` or scripts with `#!/usr/bin/env cljs` up top. -- You received this message because you ar

Re: The Essence of ClojureScript Redux

2015-01-04 Thread David Nolen
Tools will likely need updating for the latest changes as they tap into details that may have changed that have no official API. Still I suspect these changes will be small. Other than that, no, I suspect in browser dev will be the same - just with a REPL experience more in line with Clojure. On

Re: The Essence of ClojureScript Redux

2015-01-04 Thread David Nolen
Non-stable releases of Node are not supported - 0.11.X, use a 0.10.X release. On Sunday, January 4, 2015, Max Gonzih wrote: > Very nice! But I have issue that I saw also while applying instructions > from previous blog post. Repl starts fine, but I see errors when I'm trying > to evaluate anythi

Clatrix Multiplication Matrix

2015-01-04 Thread Byan Jati
I have 2 matrix, matrix A = [[1 2 3][4 5 6]] and matrix B = [[10 20][20 30][30 40]], 2 x 3 and 3 x 2 matrix. The problem is, when i use core.matrix.operator to Multiply those matrix, i got these result : (M/* A B) [[10 60 120] [120 100 240]] which the true result is [[140 200] [320 470]] a

Re: The Essence of ClojureScript Redux

2015-01-04 Thread Tom Locke
What is the impact of all this new goodness on in-browser development? lein-figwheel + weasel has been the magic formula up until now. Is that still the case? -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Clojure" group. To post to this group, send email to cloju

Re: Please critique my code (barber problem with core.async)

2015-01-04 Thread Russell
Looks like the barber's loop doesn't check the "running" atom, so it will never stop... If you wanted to get rid of the atom for counting haircuts you could use a go-loop with a haircut count as an argument. Something like: (go-loop [haircuts 0] (if @running (do (cut-hair!) (recur

Creating Hiccup From Code Keeping Formatting and Comments

2015-01-04 Thread Stefan Kamphausen
Hi, Currently, I am trying to write a presentation using ring and reveal.js. For the code samples, I'd like to write "real" clojure code, i.e. no strings or the like. Then, I want to turn that into a suitable hiccup vector which will create the correct reveal.js/highlight.js syntax. I w

Re: The Essence of ClojureScript Redux

2015-01-04 Thread Max Gonzih
Very nice! But I have issue that I saw also while applying instructions from previous blog post. Repl starts fine, but I see errors when I'm trying to evaluate anything. Error: No such module at Error (native) at Socket. ([stdin]:27:35) at Socket.EventEmitter.emit (events.js:107:17)

Re: is there a shorter way to do this in core.logic ?

2015-01-04 Thread Ashton Kemerling
I'm no expert, but I think no, at least not in any way you'd want to maintain. Also, if that's all of your core.logic code, that's pretty damned short and clear. I can read and understand that right away. --Ashton Sent from my iPhone > On Jan 4, 2015, at 2:43 AM, rogergl wrote: > > The fol

Re: lein uberjar not creating class files with :aot

2015-01-04 Thread Shantanu Kumar
I have run into this (using lein 2.5.0 and 2.4.1) as well. `lein uberjar` seems to wipe out the pre-generated classes when creating an uberjar. Shantanu On Sunday, 4 January 2015 01:09:30 UTC+5:30, Shoeb Bhinderwala wrote: > > When I create a uberjar with aot compilation I am surprised to see ".

is there a shorter way to do this in core.logic ?

2015-01-04 Thread rogergl
The following snippet works (fresh [?row ?col] (fd/+ row 1 ?row) (fd/+ col 1 ?col) (membero {:row ?row :col ?col} data)))] ; check existence of {:row (?row + 1) :col (?col + 1)} But I'm not sure if this isn't to verbose.