Re: [ANN] lein-capsule v0.1.0 (first release) - Leiningen plugin for Capsule

2014-11-21 Thread circlespainter
*Capsule* is a tool for *dead-simple packaging and deployment of JVM applications*, very handy e.g. for JVM-based microservices deployment. *v0.10.0*, corresponding to lein-capsule v0.1.0, *has recent

Re: Clojurescript to target JVM?

2014-11-21 Thread Sam Beran
The code is still half-baked, but in leu of a blog post or code, I can summarize my reasoning and approach: *ClojureScript is Designed With UI Responsiveness In Mind* At present, JVM Clojure is not currently suitable for Android development. Since Android applications are structured around ep

[ANN] lein-capsule v0.1.0 (first release) - Leiningen plugin for Capsule

2014-11-21 Thread circlespainter
I'm happy to announce the very first (non-snapshot) v0.1.0 release of lein-capsule , a leiningen plugin for capsule . I'm looking forward to comments, issues (why not), suggestions and pull requests! -- You

Re: Clojurescript to target JVM?

2014-11-21 Thread Alan Moore
On Friday, November 21, 2014 9:50:58 AM UTC-8, Uday Verma wrote: > > Hello Everyone, > > Basically the approach is this: cljs -> js -> rhino [3] -> bytecode. > Provides java interop through rhino. By the time things get to rhino, > google closure has already thrown away most of the runtime awa

Re: Clojurescript to target JVM?

2014-11-21 Thread Uday Verma
Awesome! Thanks for setting up that little playground with your cljs-cl project, Mike, I am going to use that to explore some stuff as well! On Friday, November 21, 2014 12:13:01 PM UTC-6, Frozenlock wrote: > > Really interested by this. > > The startup time has always been a big no-no every ti

Re: Any Clojure programming recording around?

2014-11-21 Thread Erlis Vidal
Thanks everyone, This is exactly what i was looking for! On Fri, Nov 21, 2014 at 2:54 PM, Alan Moore wrote: > +1 > > I really like Timothy's videos and highly recommend them. They not only > cover interesting topics but as he works through his examples using the > REPL he discusses all kinds of

Re: Any Clojure programming recording around?

2014-11-21 Thread Alan Moore
+1 I really like Timothy's videos and highly recommend them. They not only cover interesting topics but as he works through his examples using the REPL he discusses all kinds of clojure related subjects, e.g. destructuring features, idiomatic usage, design options, etc.. You get micro-lessons

Re: Clojurescript to target JVM?

2014-11-21 Thread Frozenlock
Really interested by this. The startup time has always been a big no-no every time I was tempted to use Clojure on Android. On Friday, November 21, 2014 12:50:58 PM UTC-5, Uday Verma wrote: > > Hello Everyone, > > I was at this pretty interesting meet-up yesterday where Sam Beran [1] > showed h

Re: Clojurescript to target JVM?

2014-11-21 Thread Mike Fikes
I too was intrigued by this and cobbled together a quick test to see if this made it possible to create command-line apps that start up more quickly [1]. It appears that this is indeed the case, but, of course you still need to pay JVM startup time. I was also interested in what Sam Beran accom

Clojurescript to target JVM?

2014-11-21 Thread Uday Verma
Hello Everyone, I was at this pretty interesting meet-up yesterday where Sam Beran [1] showed how he achieved 30ms startup times on Android using Clojurescript. He was not hosting his app inside a web view, it was a native java app. We all know and understand why clojure runtime bootstrap is "h

Re: Any Clojure programming recording around?

2014-11-21 Thread Daniel Szmulewicz
Eric Normand's videos can be found here: I haven't seen them but Eric is very knowledgeable and worth following. On Friday, November 21, 2014 12:05:16 AM UTC+2, Erlis Vidal wrote: > > Hi group, > > Someone knows if we have screencasts on how the more skilled cloju

Re: [ANN] clj-fl 0.1.0.prealfa5 - Frame language library for Clojure

2014-11-21 Thread Luciano Capitanio
Thanks a lot for your interest for my little game. Both of your projects look very interesting, well designed and implemented. I think that frame language can still give something to the Clojure community. The roadmap is still unclear but, as a next step, I think I'll expand and documents the ex