Isaac, I confess that I don't have any deep insights to offer about these
architectural questions for your particular situation, but here are a few
remarks that might be helpful for peripheral issues.
In Clojure 1.6.0, at least, clojure.core/rand uses java.util.Random()
(seeded by the system ti
FYI folks, Alex (akhudek) and I (ddellacosta) hang out on IRC often so
feel free to ping us w/questions there.
(2014/10/31 12:28), Alexander Hudek wrote:
> Note that this position is 50% Clojure development and 50% DevOps/Sysadmin.
> Best,
> Alex
> --
Jonas, Atamert, thank you. Very helpful illustrations and comments.
Jozef: A transcribed talk with slides! Excellent.
Las, I might actually break down and watch the talk. Or parts of it, and
read the rest.
Thanks everyone.
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
Note that this position is 50% Clojure development and 50% DevOps/Sysadmin.
DiligenceEngine Inc. is a Toronto-based startup using machine learning to
automate legal work. We’re looking for a DevOps engineer to help us manage
and automate our technology stack
We had this exact discussion just yesterday.
I'd suggest forgetting about the technical details, how comp works etc. for
a minute. And think about what we're dealing with.
1. If we are dealing with functions, function composition makes sense to be
written left to right and applied right to left.
How to handle messy relations with the world state is definitely something
that could be better understood. Most models for game state I'm familiar
with are highly object-oriented. [1] Figuring out how to approach it in
Clojure, from a functional perspective seems to be an interesting challenge
I think this is pretty cool. Instead of thinking it as functions on
steroids, I'd prefer looking at it as a powerful callable abstraction.
How does macroexpand-time validation play with apply (the function)? What
happens if I do (map some-outfn coll) ?
Also implicits confused me a bit. At first I
Awesome, Juan
It's a very fast way to focus on the major issues.
On Wed, Oct 29, 2014 at 12:00 PM, juan.facorro
> Hi All,
> In case someone was interested in the results and how I got to them, I
> wrote an article about my attempt to visualize the free-form text answer
Well you can always read it at
On Thu, Oct 30, 2014 at 5:31 PM, Mars0i wrote:
> Thanks Las. That's a verty helpful suggestion, though for me personally
> it won't help. (I know that a lot of people like to
clojure.core/comp has not been changed at all. It's just the nature of how
transducers work. Here's a another example where function composition seems
to compose left-to-right (the second example, `comp2`):
(defn add-3 [x] (+ 3 x))
(defn mul-2 [y] (* 2 y))
(defn sub-1 [z] (- 1 z))
I have a vector of values which compute large result sets, similar to a
vector of lazy seqs. It's a vector because it has to be sorted before the
values are evaluated, in order.
When evaluating each value in order of the vector, it's important that they
are garbage collected, because two won't
Sorry--I just realized that you gave me a link to the exact place in the
video in which Rich H. talks about order. Thanks! That is *very* helpful.
On Thursday, October 30, 2014 11:31:29 AM UTC-5, Mars0i wrote:
> Thanks Las. That's a verty helpful suggestion, though for me personally
> it wo
Thanks Las. That's a verty helpful suggestion, though for me personally it
won't help. (I know that a lot of people like to get information from
videos. I don't. I'd rather read--then I can use my eyes to find the
places that I want to focus on--except when information is better conveyed
on transducers generally, watch this .
This part tackles your questions on ordering .
2014-10-30 15:44 GMT+00:00 Mars0i :
> Caveat: I am still feeling around in the dark in my understanding of
Caveat: I am still feeling around in the dark in my understanding of
transducers. What I write below may just convey how clueless I am.
(Meta-caveat: I'm probably spitting into the wind. I should no doubt use
my time more wisely.)
Normal function composition is done starting from the right.
Hi Shogo,
You are welcome! For me, being a non-native English speaker like you, that
was exactly the reason why I wanted those transcripts to exist. I find the
written word much easier to follow than a fast-paced talk and I think it
should become a default for influential talks in the future i
Also, where would I put the bug, in nrepl, cider, or cider-nrepl?
On Wednesday, October 29, 2014 1:12:14 PM UTC-4, Bozhidar Batsov wrote:
> I’d suggest filing the a ticket with output from *nrepl-messages* so we
> can have an idea what’s going on.
> You can also try the 0.8-snapshot.
> —
> Ch
Would this be the nrepl log needed?
("id" . "46")
("session" . "de710656-5527-4bf7-9b16-c89f818ed326")
("status" "done"))
("id" "47" "ns" "nimbus-admin.test.integrations" "op" "eval" "session"
"de710656-5527-4bf7-9b16-c89f818ed326" "code" "(trace \"test\")\n")
("id" . "4")
18 matches
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