Is the clojure hash function guaranteed to produce the same hash on
different jvms running on different jvms for the same "data-structure"
which would satisfy "equality" if checked on a single jvm. The data
structure is simply a hash-map.
You received this message because yo
Repo: https://github.com/runexec/stray StrayStray is an alternative routing library for Compojure;; Leiningen Dependency
[stray "1.01"]
(ns example
(:require [stray.core :refer [router]]))
(def routes
{:public {:index-page {:http/path "/"
:http/method :GET
Thanks for the experience reports, Dylan!
Colin, Silk is Ring-compatible and meant to be used as a single replacement
for both Compojure and Secretary (or any other server/browser routing
combination with incompatible syntax and semantics). But, as Dylan said,
it's totally fine to use it in conjun
Hi Ru,
Congrat's on the release.
I wonder why did you choose to release the new version as "5.2.0-SNAPSHOT"
instead of "5.2.0".
On Saturday, 11 October 2014 22:29:43 UTC+5:30, ru wrote:
> Hello all,
> New version 5.2.0 of rete4frames CLIPS-like expert system shell published
> on
A slightly more straightforward implementation can be found
at https://gist.github.com/ztellman/fb64e81d1d7f0b261ccd. I'm fairly sure
it's equivalent to Cristophe's, but I may be missing some nuance. At any
rate, I've found using the async/put! and callback mechanism to be a much
more straigh
I was just starting to use Sente [1] (which relies on httpkit [2]) and this
conversation is a real eye opener. Unless a person uses a library that
supports backpressure, as mentioned earlier, your
transport-concern-made-opaque-because-of-core-async must become an
application-level concern. The fa
I've been seeing this weird looping behavior with some go loops over the
last few days. An exception is being thrown from a function within the loop
and rather than logging and looping back around to a waiting take, the loop
seems to just hop back to the line before the function call. It's been