Re: [ANN] System

2014-07-28 Thread Michael Klishin
On 29 July 2014 at 10:21:33, Daniel Szmulewicz ( wrote: > > I wasn't aware of it. > > How does it relate to Jig (of which I was aware), if it does? Jig originally was reinventing parts of Component + did what Modular does. Malcolm will likely correct me but I believe

Re: [ANN] System

2014-07-28 Thread Daniel Szmulewicz
I wasn't aware of it. How does it relate to Jig (of which I was aware), if it does? Anyway, modular looks neat and has more components, for sure. The example in the README shows usage via a Leiningen template. I found it was difficult to retrofit changes on existing projects with the template

Re: [ANN] System

2014-07-28 Thread Michael Klishin
 On 29 July 2014 at 10:00:31, Daniel Szmulewicz ( wrote: > > The idea behind this library is to serve as a community-backed > repository of readymade components. So, basically like Modular? -- @michaelklishin,

[ANN] System

2014-07-28 Thread Daniel Szmulewicz
Hi everyone, Announcing system, some candy built on top of component, the Reloaded pattern by Stuart Sierra. The idea behind this library is to serve as a community-backed repository of readymade components. The README has the details. Please don't hesi

Re: Tools for cleaning namespaces?

2014-07-28 Thread Bertrand Dechoux
Cool! Thanks a lot. Graphviz is low tech enough for me. I will give a try at both. Bertrand Le lundi 28 juillet 2014 16:38:52 UTC+2, Andy Fingerhut a écrit : > > You can try Eastwood's :unused-namespaces linter for #2. It is disabled > by default, so you need to give an option on the command l

Re: Is still idiomatic the ant simulation code?

2014-07-28 Thread Yu Shen
Hi Gary, Your examination makes perfect sense in the context. Thanks for your help! Yu On Tue, Jul 29, 2014 at 8:01 AM, Gary Johnson wrote: > Hi Yu, > > This is a pretty dense (and IMHO non-idiomatic) piece of Clojure code. > Without reading the paste you provided, I can at least tell you

Re: Help Getting Sente to Work

2014-07-28 Thread Peter Taoussanis
> > Wrt the CSRF issue, I'll try running again without it. > Out of curiosity, sure - but if you've already gone to the effort of setting up the CSRF I'd leave it in (better to have it) :-) > Now, a port changed fixed the issue for me. But before I passed in a > *chsk-url-fn*, I was still ge

Re: [ANN] Clara 0.6.0

2014-07-28 Thread Ryan Brush
Hey Alan, The Storm example was an experiment showing we could distribute the engine's working memory between processes, but the needs for it haven't materialized as much as other use cases, so I haven't been maintaining or growing that part of the system. This may change in the future. If th

Re: Leiningen profile problem

2014-07-28 Thread Curtis Summers
Paul, Leiningen can isolate the target-paths by profile if you use :target-path in your project.clj with the %s in it. Per the sample project.clj file ( ;; All generated files will be placed in :target-path. In order

Re: Help Getting Sente to Work

2014-07-28 Thread Timothy Washington
Hey Peter, Thanks for getting back to me. Good explanation here. Wrt the CSRF issue, I'll try running again without it. Now, a port changed fixed the issue for me. But before I passed in a *chsk-url-fn*, I was still getting a 404, even when trying with a browser (ie, using the correct port). Tha

Re: Is still idiomatic the ant simulation code?

2014-07-28 Thread Gary Johnson
Hi Yu, This is a pretty dense (and IMHO non-idiomatic) piece of Clojure code. Without reading the paste you provided, I can at least tell you what appears to be happening here, given Clojure's evaluation semantics: 1. The [move ...] expression creates a vector of three functions. 2. The [(if

Re: ANN: Namespace browser for Emacs users

2014-07-28 Thread Robin Heggelund Hansen
Neat kl. 04:48:20 UTC+2 mandag 28. juli 2014 skrev John Andrews følgende: > > Emacs users: I have put together a namespace browser which builds upon the > existing functionality of Cider. It is in early stages of development but I > find it quite useful. > > Check it out!

Re: Leiningen profile problem

2014-07-28 Thread Paul Butcher
Ah! I thought that Leiningen put class files in different places for different profiles, but it looks like I was mistaken. Thanks for the EDN hint - that sounds like a good way to go. Cheers! -- paul.butcher->msgCount++ Silverstone, Brands Hatch, Donington Park... Who says I have a one track m

Re: subtle om + core.async problems

2014-07-28 Thread Dylan Butman
That looks great Dan! here's a slightly different version that takes a supplied channel and kills the go on either component unmount or the supplied channel being closed (defmixin go-block-aware (init-state [] {:chans {:mounted (async/chan)}}) (will-unmount [owner]

Re: Leiningen profile problem

2014-07-28 Thread Thomas Heller
Your issue is probably due to AOT compilation, uberjar aot compiles everything and leaves alot of class files in your target directory (aka classpath). When you run your app afterwards the class file is used instead of the clj file since the .class file is "newer". When you run lein clean those

[ANN] Clara 0.6.0

2014-07-28 Thread Alan Moore
Awesome - thanks for the update! Does the storm example work with the new version? Alan -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Clojure" group. To post to this group, send email to Note that posts from new members are moderated - pl

Re: Tools for cleaning namespaces?

2014-07-28 Thread Andy Fingerhut
You can try Eastwood's :unused-namespaces linter for #2. It is disabled by default, so you need to give an option on the command line to enable it. If you want to try *only* that linter, and none of the other warnings, first follow the simple install instructions in the README, then change to the

Leiningen profile problem

2014-07-28 Thread Paul Butcher
Oops - I originally sent this to the ClojureScript group, which probably wasn’t the best place. Apologies to those who subscribe to both lists for the spam: I’m clearly misunderstanding something fundamental about how Leiningen profiles work. I’d appreciate help fixing my understanding. I’m try

Re: Is still idiomatic the ant simulation code?

2014-07-28 Thread Yu Shen
What's the meaning of the following code: (([move #(turn % -1) #(turn % 1)] (wrand [(if (:ant @ahead) 0 (ranks ahead)) (ranks ahead-left) (ranks ahead-right)])) loc))) in from line 192 to 195? Sorry to bother

Tools for cleaning namespaces?

2014-07-28 Thread Bertrand Dechoux
Hello, I am trying to tidy up a project and I have two actions that could be somehow be automatized. *1) Display the dependencies between the namespace of my project as a graph (text graph being good enough).* One would want to break dependencies which do not make sense and sometimes to create

Re: ANN clj-time 0.8.0 is released

2014-07-28 Thread Andrey Antukh
Awesome! Thanks! 2014-07-27 20:24 GMT+02:00 Michael Klishin : > clj-time [1] is a popular Clojure date/time library built on top of Joda > Time. > > Unfortunately, the project currently doesn't have a human-friendly change > log, > so here's a git one (sorry): > >