Re: Help Getting Sente to Work

2014-07-27 Thread Peter Taoussanis
The new docstring: -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Clojure" group. To post to this group, send email to Note tha

Re: Help Getting Sente to Work

2014-07-27 Thread Peter Taoussanis
Hey Tim, sorry for not responding earlier - didn't notice your post till now (not often on the group). Glad you found a solution (thanks Dan, Bob!). Just to clarify one thing though - a CSRF middleware is definitely recommended, but shouldn't be _necessary_. If Sente detects that no CSRF toke

Re: what is the best way of seeding your database with leiningen

2014-07-27 Thread Rui Yang
Awesome, Nelson. That's exactly what I want. One minor thing to improve is to isolate these fixture loading codes with app source. I tried to use Leiningen Dev Profile :source-paths. It didn't work. I'll investigate more time into it later. At least for now, I can just put codes in the repl.clj

ANN: Namespace browser for Emacs users

2014-07-27 Thread John Andrews
Emacs users: I have put together a namespace browser which builds upon the existing functionality of Cider. It is in early stages of development but I find it quite useful. Check it out! -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google

[ANN] ring-transit 0.1.1 released

2014-07-27 Thread Josh Lehman
I've just thrown together a ring middleware for transit with an api like that of ring-json . You can check it out here: ring-transit . -Josh -- You received thi

Re: ANN: Clojure/conj 2014 CFP open till August 1st

2014-07-27 Thread Alex Miller
Yes, I believe there will be intro to clojure and Datomic workshops. More info should be available when tickets go on sale, I think this week. Alex -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Clojure" group. To post to this group, send email to clojure@googlegr

ANN clj-time 0.8.0 is released

2014-07-27 Thread Michael Klishin
clj-time [1] is a popular Clojure date/time library built on top of Joda Time. Unfortunately, the project currently doesn't have a human-friendly change log, so here's a git one (sorry): 1.  -- @

Re: Help Getting Sente to Work

2014-07-27 Thread Timothy Washington
Ok, got it. It was indeed the CSRF issue. I included that middleware to fix the issue. For anyone else struggling with this, There's a *sente/example-project* with some code that uses the csrf middlewar

ANN metrics-clojure 2.1.1 is released

2014-07-27 Thread Michael Klishin
metrics-clojure [1] is a Clojure interface to the Metrics library [2], originally by Steve Losh [3]. Release notes: If you're new to metrics and not sure why collecting them is a good idea, take a moment to watch

[ANN] Clara 0.6.0

2014-07-27 Thread Ryan Brush
Clara, a rule engine in pure Clojure and ClojureScript, has released version 0.6.0. The headliners are: - Durability. There are no facilities to store and reload session state. I consider this experimental since the format may change non-passively between releases, but it can be used

Re: [ANN] Gorilla REPL 0.3.1

2014-07-27 Thread Jony Hudson
The save interface should still work as before, as in it will save to any path (that exists) relative to the project directory. So typing "ws/test.clj" will save the worksheet in the ws directory, assuming it exists. I'll have a bit think on how I can make the UI for the new load/save behaviour

Re: Change default alignment for clojure docstrings

2014-07-27 Thread Bastien
Hi Lars, Lars Andersen writes: > I tried writing up some examples here, in plain text, but I think > it's more productive to just link to the github issue where there's > syntax highlighting and I can get a preview of how the content lines > up: